How to Monitor Network Traffic in Linux & Tools for Bandwidth Usage

September 19, 2024


Linux offers a variety of tools for monitoring network traffic and bandwidth usage. These tools help you maintain a stable network, pinpoint the causes of slowdowns, and quickly fix malfunctions.

Explore the best CLI and GUI network monitoring tools available in Linux.

Best tools for monitoring network traffic in Linux.


How to Check Network Bandwidth Usage in Linux?

You can monitor network bandwidth usage on a Linux system with command-line (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI) tools.

Command-line network monitoring tools are excellent for Linux servers without a graphical interface. With a few simple commands, users can quickly get an overview of network bandwidth metrics directly in the terminal shell. Administrators often use these tools in scripts to automate monitoring tasks, track changes in real-time, and reduce response times.

A GUI tool organizes and presents network data visually, often in graphs and charts. This simplifies monitoring network bandwidth and performance even for users with limited technical experience. Users who run analytics or other tasks that require a detailed representation of network usage over time will work more efficiently using a GUI tool.

Command-Line Linux Network Monitoring Tools

This section lists the most used Linux CLI tools for monitoring network traffic and bandwidth.

iftop - Display Bandwidth Usage

iftop provides a real-time display of bandwidth usage for each connection and an overview of the total bandwidth used. The utility is also very useful for checking network speed.

iftop does not store historical data or track traffic by process ID (PID), which may be a significant drawback for many users. To install iftop, use the relevant command for your distribution:

Linux Distributioniftop Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install iftop
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install iftop -y
Fedorasudo dnf install iftop -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S iftop
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install iftop

To launch iftop, enter the following command:

sudo iftop
The iftop utility CLI.

Press q to exit iftop and return to the command prompt.

nload - Displays Network Usage

nload is a command-line utility that reports inbound and outbound traffic. The output includes a real-time graph, which is helpful for a quick overview of network activity.

However, nload does not display traffic by PID or socket, nor does it store historical data. Install nload by entering the command for your distribution:

Linux Distributionnload Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install nload
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install nload -y
Fedorasudo dnf install nload -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S nload
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install nload

Use the following command to launch nload:

sudo nload
An example of the nload tool's interface.

Press q to exit nload and return to the command line.

NetHogs - Monitor Network Traffic Bandwidth

The NetHogs utility tracks network usage per process/application. It allows administrators to diagnose bandwidth spikes and determine which applications are excessively consuming bandwidth. Its key advantage is that it sorts the data by process ID. To install NetHogs, enter:

Linux DistributionNethogs Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install nethogs
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install nethogs -y
Fedorasudo dnf install nethogs -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S nethogs
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install nethogs

Once the installation is complete, launch the NetHogs service using:

sudo nethogs
An example of the nethogs utility interface.

Press q to exit NetHogs and return to the command prompt.

bmon - Bandwidth Monitor and Rate Estimator

bmon monitors bandwidth utilization and provides usage for each device. Users can track bandwidth across multiple network adapters. It captures network statistics and provides a human-friendly output in a graph. It does not store historical data but is useful for real-time diagnostics.

To install bmon, enter the command for your distribution:

Linux Distributionbmon Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install bmon -y
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install bmon -y
Fedorasudo dnf install bmon -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S bmon
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install bmon

To launch bmon, enter:

sudo bmon
bmon utility command-line interface.

Press q to exit the bmon graph.

vnStat - Network Traffic Monitor

vnStat runs a background daemon to capture bandwidth data. It reads data from the kernel to stay light on resource usage. Persistent records are vnStat's key feature - as the daemon runs, it collects and stores bandwidth usage logs.

The vnstat command can be used to display usage statistics and is best suited for statistical reporting.

To install vnStat, enter the command for your distribution:

Linux Distributionvnstat Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install vnstat
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install vnstat -y
Fedorasudo dnf install vnstat -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S vnstat
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install vnstat

The tool can run in real-time by specifying the -l option:

vnstat -l
vnstat command monitoring traffic in real time.

Press Ctrl+C to stop real-time monitoring.

bwm-ng - Bandwidth Monitor Next Generation

bwm-ng is a lightweight, curses-based bandwidth monitor. It provides real-time statistics for network interfaces, showing the bandwidth usage in a simple display. To install bwm-ng, enter the command for your distribution:

Linux Distributionbwm-ng Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install bwm-ng
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install bwm-ng -y
Fedorasudo dnf install bwm-ng -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S bwm-ng
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install bwm-ng

Use the following command to monitor real-time bandwidth usage across all interfaces:

An example of how bwm-ng displays network traffic data.

Press q to exit bwm-ng and return to the terminal.

iPerf/iPerf3 - Network Bandwidth Measurement Tool

iPerf monitors network bandwidth by protocol, such as TCP, UDP, and SCTP, and works best for tweaking and maximizing network performance for a particular protocol. iPerf requires a server and a client for testing, which rules it out as a candidate if you only need to measure network speeds.

To install iPerf3, enter the command for your distribution:

Linux DistributioniPerf3 Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install iperf3 -y
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install iperf3 -y
Fedorasudo dnf install iperf3 -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S iperf3
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install iperf3

Use the -s option to launch iPerf3 in server mode and listen for connections:

iperf3 -s
Iperf3 utility listening for connections.

Press Ctrl+C to terminate the server connection.

ss - Socket Statistics

The ss command is part of the iproute2 package and is pre-installed on most Linux distributions. It replaces the older netstat command and provides detailed statistics on network connections, open sockets, and listening ports. ss does not focus on bandwidth monitoring as much as the other tools on the list. However, it is essential for socket-level network diagnostics.

Enter the following command to view network connection statistics:

ss -s
Network connection socket statistics using the ss command.

To show all active TCP connections, type:

ss -t
Show active TCP connections using the ss command in Linux.

Netperf - Network Bandwidth Testing

Netperf helps monitor network bandwidth using Unix domain sockets, TCP, SCTP, DLPI, and UDP via BSD Sockets. Like iPerf, Netperf also requires a server and a client for testing. Among key features are the numerous predefined tests for measuring performance or data transfer speeds.

Use the corresponding command for your distribution to install Netperf:

Linux DistributionNetperf Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install netperf
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install netperf -y
Fedorasudo dnf install netperf -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S netperf
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install netperf

Use the following command to launch the service:

Netperf tool example output.

Netperf runs a predefined amount of time and then terminates automatically.

cbm - Color Bandwidth Meter

The Color Bandwidth Meter (cbm) is a small command-line utility that displays current network traffic on all devices connected to the network. The curses-based output is displayed in colors and shows each network interface, bytes received, sent, and total bytes.

Install cbm on your distribution using the corresponding command:

Linux DistributionNetperf Installation Command
Debian/Ubuntusudo apt install cbm
RHEL/Rocky Linuxsudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install cbm -y
Fedorasudo dnf install cbm -y
Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S cbm
OpenSUSEsudo zypper install cbm

To start monitoring with cbm, enter:

cbm command interface example.

Press q to close the window.

Linux Network Monitoring GUI Tools

The following section highlights popular GUI-based network monitoring tools for Linux. They offer a more comprehensive monitoring suite and interactive control features compared to CLI tools.

Nagios Core - Monitors Systems, Networks and Infrastructure

Nagios Core is an open-source, feature-rich, free bandwidth monitoring app that also offers a paid version. The tool's interface is web-based and can monitor multiple services, such as HTTP, POP3, and SMTP.

Another great feature is the automatic alerts in case of issues, allowing users to resolve them as soon as they arise. Nagios also provides bandwidth monitoring via SNMP on network devices, such as switches and routers, which facilitates finding possible bandwidth hogs.

Additionally, Nagios helps monitor bandwidth utilization per port and quickly detects network outages and protocol failures.

Nagios Core app interface.

Note: Learn the differences between IMAP, POP3 and SMTP.

Zabbix - Application and Network Monitoring Tool

Zabbix is a free, open-source, feature-rich network monitoring application designed in a server-client model. Its web-based interface provides real-time network, server, device, and app monitoring.

The data logs it generates visually represent network performance or device load metrics and can be used to track and improve network performance. The app is excellent for both small and large commercial apps.

Zabbix supports most standard network protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, and others, without installing additional software on the monitored devices.

Zabbix GUI example.

Cacti - Network Monitoring and Graphing Tool

Cacti is a web-based network monitoring tool written in PHP. It features an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Its key advantage is comprehensive data collection and reports on network bandwidth and other metrics, such as user access and permissions.

Cacti collects data using scripts and outputs clear charts and graphs, allowing users to pinpoint bandwidth usage spikes or network issues quickly. All data is stored in MySQL databases and used to produce custom graphs.

Cacti app example interface.

Site 24x7 - NetFlow Analyzer

Site 24x7's NetFlow Analyzer is a cloud-based network monitoring utility that provides a wide range of functions for multiple devices in a network. It implements various technologies, such as NetFlow, sFlow, and J-Flow, allowing users to collect stats for different apps and devices.

The tool can monitor source and destination devices, their interfaces, and traffic flow. Users can configure threshold values for all monitored metrics and receive alerts when thresholds are exceeded.

NetFlow is not free, but it offers a fully functional 30-day free trial period.

Site24x7's NetFlow analyzer example.

ManageEngine - NetFlow Analyzer

ManageEngine's NetFlow Analyzer is a flow-based network monitoring tool that provides traffic pattern analytics and bandwidth spike detection. By analyzing traffic patterns, users can pinpoint network issues and obtain device, interface, or app details.

The Analyzer provides real-time monitoring and troubleshooting, facilitating the discovery of network issues as soon as they occur. The utility also offers customizable reports that can be accessed with a few clicks. The supported flow technologies are NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX, Netstream, J-Flow, and AppFlow.

Regarding pricing, the app comes in two flavors: Professional and Enterprise. The main differences are in the number of flows per second and the number of networks supported. Both versions also have a free 30-day trial. The Free version is limited to monitoring up to two interfaces.

ManageEngine's NetFlow analyzer UI example.

SolarWinds - NetFlow Traffic Analyzer

The NetFlow Traffic Analyzer by SolarWinds is a network monitoring utility featuring a wide range of monitoring functions and a scalable number of nodes in the network. The utility offers interactive and visualized data displays with color-coded and searchable visual data, making it intuitive and user-friendly.

In addition to network monitoring, NTA allows users to monitor bandwidth and receive alerts when traffic issues arise or a device malfunctions. One of its key features is monitoring port 0 for unusual traffic, preventing attacks, and securing the network.

The app comes with a fully functional 30-day free trial period, after which users can choose between two license types: Subscription, starting from €875, or Perpetual, starting from €1585.

SolarWinds' NetFlow analyzer example.

Monitorix - System and Network Monitoring Tool

Monitorix is a free, open-source Linux/Unix server monitoring tool for monitoring system resources and networks. In addition to servers, it supports embedded devices.

It supports IPv4 and IPv6 and allows users to monitor network traffic and bandwidth from all the devices on their network. The lightweight utility includes a built-in HTTP server for viewing the statistics and graphs. The graphs are color-coded for more straightforward analysis.

Aside from network stats, Monitorix can also monitor practically all system resources, including disk drive temperature, system load, kernel usage, CPU usage, ambient sensor stats, and much more.

Monitorix GUI network monitoring tool example.

Observium – Network Monitoring Platform

Observium is a network monitoring tool that supports Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Cisco, and many other platforms and operating systems. It comes with a fully featured and intuitive interface and device autodetection. The app is primarily used with small servers.

It uses standard SNMP network monitoring to collect network metrics and then creates intuitive graphs for effortless network monitoring at a glance.

It comes in two flavors - Observium Community, completely free, and Observium Professional, which receives frequent updates and new features more often.

The Community version is recommended for personal servers, while the Professional version offers real-time updates, network activity notifications, and alerts.

Observium example GUI screenshot.

EtherApe - Network Monitoring

EtherApe is a graphical network monitoring tool designed for Linux/Unix. It supports a wide variety of devices, including Ethernet, FDDI, Token Ring, ISDN, PPP, SLIP, and WLAN devices, as well as several encapsulation formats.

The utility can act as a packet sniffer and bandwidth monitoring tool and display network activity using graphs. It obtains the data from a file or live from the network, allowing users to filter which traffic they want to see.

Each node in the graph represents a specific host, while the links are connections to hosts. Everything is color-coded to represent different protocols and various types of network traffic.

EtherApe is completely free and open source.

EtherApe network monitoring tool example.

Prometheus with Grafana - Advanced Monitoring and Visualization Stack

Prometheus is an open-source event monitoring software. It is designed to handle a wide variety of network and system metrics, primarily for high-volume, distributed applications. The software has real-time metrics and alerting, an HTTP pull model, and flexible queries.

While Prometheus functions as a standalone application, combining it with a visualization tool, like Grafana, provides a richer and more interactive experience. Grafana is a popular choice for this scenario because it is open-source and supports Prometheus as a data source by default. It enables users to create visually engaging and dynamic dashboards to explore the data collected by Prometheus.

Prometheus with Grafana is the preferred choice for monitoring Kubernetes clusters.

Note: Learn more in our guide to monitoring Kubernetes clusters with Prometheus.

A Grafana dashboard with Prometheus for monitoring bandwidth in Linux.

Why is it Important to Monitor Network Traffic in Linux

Monitoring network bandwidth and performance enables you to:

  • Troubleshoot network issues faster. With a network monitoring system and timely alerts, administrators can detect and identify issues quickly and resolve them before they escalate further.
  • Maintain network stability. Admins with a comprehensive overview of network traffic and usage statistics can proactively redeploy resources to ensure optimal performance, even during spikes.
  • Identify high bandwidth usage sources. You can quickly identify processes or apps that consume excessive bandwidth and act accordingly by deploying additional resources or optimizing the application.
  • Detect unusual activity. Unusual spikes or network activity can be a precursor to a cyber attack or an indicator of system misconfiguration. A monitoring system is essential for preparing and acting preemptively before an issue occurs.
  • Manage costs more efficiently. Long-term analytics can provide insight into resource consumption and reveal new opportunities to reduce operating costs (OpEx).
  • Balance resource usage. Analyzing network traffic and bandwidth data is essential for enforcing fairer bandwidth usage policies. Administrators can more effectively redistribute resources among users or applications.


This guide explored the top Linux system monitoring and network bandwidth tools available for command-line and GUI environments. Test these utilities to assess their capabilities and determine how they align with your business needs.

Next, learn to calculate bandwidth requirements and optimize your network management strategy even further.

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Bosko Marijan
Having worked as an educator and content writer, combined with his lifelong passion for all things high-tech, Bosko strives to simplify intricate concepts and make them user-friendly. That has led him to technical writing at PhoenixNAP, where he continues his mission of spreading knowledge.
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