Cloud Pricing Calculator

A simple pricing tool helping you choose the best Bare Metal Cloud configuration for your workload. Get an instant pricing estimate for the computing solution you need.

Cloud Pricing Calculator

Select your preferred Bare Metal Cloud deployment options and get an estimate for your infrastructure needs with no commitment at all.

Choose your preferred location.
Please select a valid location.
Based on this CPU selection, you'll get available instance types list.
Please select a valid processor.
Choose your FREE, Pay-per-use or Bundle Bandwidth option here.
Please select a valid bandwidth.
Based on your inputs, these instance types are available.
Please select a valid memory.
Choose your preferred operating system.
Please select a valid OS.
The /31 public IP allocation can only be used with Linux. Other allocations are compatible with all major operating systems. To purchase public IP allocations larger than /28, contact sales.
Please select a valid processor.
Used for compute cost calculation.
Please select a valid number of servers.
Choose your preferred contract type.
Used for On-Demand cost calculation.

Save this selection to be able to create one or more new configurations and make comparison.

Instance Type CPU CPU Count Cores per CPU CPU Frequency Memory Storage Network Location Price