Special Offers
Free Trial: Accelerate Databases and Data-Intensive Workloads with Pliops XDP-Powered Bare Metal Cloud
Optimize your MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Aerospike database operation with API-driven instances powered by Pliops Extreme Data Processor (XDP) technology.
Enterprise-Grade Storage on a Secure Cloud Infrastructure
Get 6-9s data availability on a secure-by-design cloud with multi-layered data protection.
Evaluate Your Cloud Workloads
Access a robust cloud analytics tool to visualize your application portfolio and understand your technology usage.
Get 1 TB FREE Object Storage with Bare Metal Cloud
Deploy an instance powered by the latest, 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable CPUs and get 1 TB of S3-compatible Object Storage Service for FREE.
Kubernetes Starter Pack
Deploy Kubernetes-ready Bare Metal Cloud servers and get 1TB of Object Storage + your 1st month of all KubeSlice functionality for FREE.
Secure Your Critical Data
As part of Data Security Cloud, you get access to Veeam backups up to 100% of your storage!
Secure Your Backups
Enable Insider Protection for your Veeam Cloud Connect backups at a special price!
Test Bundle for Kubernetes Deployments
Create Kubernetes clusters easily using Bare Metal Cloud servers with pre-installed Rancher. 1 TB of S3- compatible Object Storage Service (OSS) included!
Cut your colocation spending!
phoenixNAP offers a more affordable colocation options than most data center vendors in nearby states.
Test Drive Veeam® Cloud Backup for 30 Days
Simplify remote backup management at scale and get 30 days of FREE cloud backup service for up to 5 TB of your data.
4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processors
Deploy Bare Metal Cloud servers with the latest Intel Xeon Scalable CPUs and access Intel’s groundbreaking workload accelerators on demand.
Can’t Find Your Deal? Can’t Chat?
Share your needs with us and we’ll give you a quote you can’t refuse. phoenixNAP has a range of products and services you can leverage for developing a cloud-oriented business.