What Is Open Source?

July 22, 2024

Open source refers to software with source code that is freely available for anyone to view, modify, and distribute. This model promotes collaboration and transparency, allowing developers to improve software continuously.

what is open source

What Is Open Source?

Open-source software is characterized by its source code being made accessible to the public, allowing anyone to inspect, modify, and enhance it. The philosophy behind open source is rooted in principles of collaboration, transparency, and community involvement. Developers from around the world can contribute to a project, improving its features, fixing bugs, and enhancing security.

Open-source projects typically adhere to specific licenses, such as the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the MIT License, which dictate how the software can be used, modified, and redistributed. The open-source model contrasts with proprietary software, where the source code is closed and only available to the original developers.

The open-source approach has led to the development of robust, high-quality software solutions that benefit from the collective expertise of a global community of contributors.

Free vs. Closed. vs. Open-Source Software

Free software emphasizes user freedoms, allowing users to run, study, modify, and share the software without restriction, often under licenses like the GNU GPL.

Closed-source software, or proprietary software, restricts access to its source code, limiting modification and redistribution, and typically requires users to purchase licenses or subscriptions.

Open-source software, while similar to free software in allowing code access and modification, focuses more on collaborative development and may include software available for free or for a fee, but with an open-source license that encourages community contributions and transparency.

History of Open-Source Software

The history of open-source software traces back to the early days of computing when researchers and programmers freely shared their code. In the 1950s and 1960s, computer science was primarily an academic and government endeavor, where collaboration and code-sharing were common.

The 1970s saw the emergence of proprietary software models, most notably with the rise of companies like Microsoft and Apple, which began restricting access to their source code to protect their business interests. This shift led to a countermovement in the 1980s, spearheaded by Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation, which promoted software freedom and created the GNU General Public License (GPL) to ensure that software remained free and open.

The term "open source" was coined in the late 1990s to make the free software movement more appealing to businesses, leading to the formation of the Open Source Initiative (OSI). During this period, major projects like the Linux kernel and the Apache web server gained prominence, demonstrating the power and potential of open-source development.

Over the following decades, open-source software became integral to the tech industry, driving innovation and collaboration across various fields. Today, open-source software is ubiquitous, powering a vast array of applications and systems worldwide.

How Is Open-Source Software Made?

Open-source software is created through a collaborative process involving developers from around the world. It often begins with an individual or organization identifying a need or problem and starting a project to address it. The initial codebase is written and released under an open-source license, which defines how the software can be used, modified, and shared.

Developers contribute to the project by writing code, fixing bugs, adding features, and improving documentation. These contributions are typically submitted via a version control system, such as Git, where they undergo review by the project's maintainers. Maintainers are experienced developers who oversee the project's direction, ensure code quality, and integrate contributions into the main codebase.

Communication and coordination are facilitated through online platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, which host the code repositories and provide tools for issue tracking, code review, and project management. Additionally, developers use forums, mailing lists, and chat channels to discuss ideas, report issues, and collaborate on solutions.

Testing is a crucial part of the development process, with contributors often writing automated tests to ensure that new code does not introduce bugs. Continuous integration systems are used to run these tests on each new contribution, providing immediate feedback to developers.

Once a new feature or fix is accepted, it is merged into the main codebase and becomes part of the next release. Open-source projects typically follow a release cycle, periodically publishing new versions of the software that incorporate the latest changes and improvements. This iterative, community-driven approach allows open-source software to evolve rapidly and adapt to the needs of its users.

How Is Open-Source Used in Development?

Open-source software plays a crucial role in modern software development by providing developers with free access to high-quality tools, libraries, and frameworks. These resources accelerate development by allowing programmers to build on existing code rather than starting from scratch. Here’s how open source is typically used in development:

  • Libraries and frameworks. Developers leverage open-source libraries and frameworks to streamline common tasks. For instance, web developers might use frameworks like React or Angular for building user interfaces, while backend developers might rely on Django or Flask.
  • Development tools. Many development tools, such as version control systems like Git, integrated development environments (IDEs) like VS Code, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines like Jenkins, are open source. These tools facilitate collaboration, code management, and automated testing and deployment.
  • Collaborative projects. Open-source projects allow multiple developers to work together, contributing to the same codebase. This collaborative approach leads to faster problem-solving, innovation, and knowledge sharing. Developers can contribute to open-source projects to gain experience, build their portfolios, and enhance their skills.
  • Customization and flexibility. Open-source software can be customized to meet specific needs, providing flexibility that proprietary software often lacks. Organizations can modify open-source code to tailor it to their unique requirements without waiting for a vendor to make changes.
  • Cost efficiency. Using open-source software significantly reduces development costs since it eliminates the need for expensive licenses. This makes it particularly appealing for startups and small businesses.
  • Security and transparency. Open-source software is generally considered more secure because its code is open to inspection, allowing for continuous auditing by the community. This transparency helps identify and fix vulnerabilities promptly.
  • Community support. Open-source projects are often supported by vibrant communities that offer documentation, forums, and real-time assistance. Developers can seek help, share solutions, and collaborate on improvements.

Open-Source Software Examples

open source software examples

Here are some prominent examples of open-source software:

  • Linux. An open-source operating system kernel used in various distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian. It is widely used in servers, desktops, and mobile devices.
  • Apache HTTP Server. A widely-used web server software that powers a significant portion of websites on the internet.
  • Mozilla Firefox. An open-source web browser known for its performance, customization options, and commitment to privacy.
  • LibreOffice. A free and open-source office suite that includes applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and more.
  • GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). An open-source graphics editor used for tasks such as photo retouching, image composition, and image authoring.
  • VLC Media Player. A versatile and open-source media player that supports a wide range of audio and video formats.
  • WordPress. A popular content management system (CMS) that powers a significant percentage of websites and blogs around the world.
  • MySQL. An open-source relational database management system used by many web applications, including large-scale websites like Facebook and Twitter.
  • TensorFlow. An open-source machine learning framework developed by Google, used for building and deploying machine learning models.
  • Kubernetes. An open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Open-Source Software

When considering the adoption of open-source software, it's important to weigh its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these pros and cons helps organizations and individuals make informed decisions about integrating open-source solutions into their technology stack.


Here are some key advantages of open-source software:

  • Cost savings. Open-source software is typically free to use, which eliminates licensing fees associated with proprietary software.
  • Flexibility and customization. Users have access to the source code, allowing them to modify and tailor the software to meet their specific needs.
  • Community support and collaboration. Open-source projects often have vibrant communities of developers and users who contribute to the software, provide support, and share knowledge.
  • Security and transparency. With open access to the source code, vulnerabilities can be quickly identified and fixed by the community. It also means that many eyes are scrutinizing the code, which can lead to more secure software.
  • No vendor lock-in. Open-source software allows users to avoid dependency on a single vendor for updates, support, and pricing.
  • Continuous improvement. Open-source projects benefit from contributions from a wide range of developers, leading to continuous improvements, new features, and bug fixes. Ongoing development process can result in more robust and reliable software.
  • Educational value. Access to the source code provides an excellent learning opportunity for students, developers, and anyone interested in understanding how software works.
  • Interoperability. Open-source software often adheres to open standards, making it easier to integrate with other systems and software. Interoperability enhances the overall functionality and efficiency of technology ecosystems.
  • Innovation. The collaborative nature of open-source projects encourages experimentation and innovation. Developers can build on existing projects, creating new solutions and pushing the boundaries of technology.
  • Ethical considerations. For some, using open-source software aligns with ethical beliefs about software freedom and the importance of sharing knowledge and resources for the greater good.


Here are some disadvantages of open-source software, along with explanations:

  • Requires technical expertise. Open-source software often requires a higher level of technical knowledge to install, configure, and maintain. Users may need to understand complex systems and troubleshoot issues without the same level of support found in proprietary software.
  • Variable quality and documentation. The quality of open-source software can vary significantly. Some projects may have excellent documentation and robust features, while others may be poorly documented and lack essential functionality. Inconsistent quality can lead to difficulties in implementation and use.
  • Limited support. Unlike proprietary software, which typically includes customer support, open-source software relies on community support, forums, and online documentation. This can result in slower response times and less comprehensive assistance, especially for less popular projects.
  • Compatibility issues. Open-source software might face compatibility issues with proprietary systems and formats. Integration with existing infrastructure can be challenging, requiring additional customization and development effort.
  • Security risks. While open-source software benefits from many eyes scrutinizing the code, it can also pose security risks if vulnerabilities are not promptly identified and patched. Projects with fewer contributors or less active maintenance may lag in addressing security concerns.
  • Lack of professional services. Professional services, such as training, consulting, and dedicated support, are often more limited for open-source software. Organizations may need to invest in in-house expertise or seek third-party providers to fill these gaps.
  • Potential for abandonment. Open-source projects can be abandoned if the original developers lose interest or the community dwindles. This can leave users with outdated software and no clear path for updates or improvements.
  • Hidden costs. While open-source software is typically free to use, there can be hidden costs associated with deployment, such as the need for specialized hardware, additional software to ensure compatibility, or hiring skilled personnel to manage and support the system.
  • Intellectual property concerns. Using open-source software involves navigating various licenses, each with its own terms and conditions. Misunderstanding or misapplying these licenses can lead to legal issues and intellectual property conflicts.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.