How to Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu

Vladimir Kaplarevic
August 22, 2024


Elasticsearch is a powerful platform for real-time full-text searches. It can efficiently aggregate and monitor Big Data at scale when combined with tools like Kibana and Logstash, forming the ELK stack.

Learn how to install, configure, and secure Elasticsearch on Ubuntu.

Installing Elasticsearch on Ubuntu.


Downloading and Installing Elasticsearch on Ubuntu

There are three primary ways to download and install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu:

  • Install Elasticsearch using the apt Package Manager.
  • Install Elasticsearch from a Deb package.
  • Install Elasticsearch manually from a tar.gz archive.

Note: You do not have to install Java on Ubuntu in advance because the latest Elasticsearch versions have a bundled version of OpenJDK. If you prefer a different version or have a pre-installed Java version, confirm it is compatible by checking the Elastic compatibility matrix.

Method 1: Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu from Repository

When you install Elasticsearch from the Debian repository, the apt package manager automatically handles dependencies and future updates. This is a significant benefit, but the drawback is that your instance is limited to software available in the official Elasticsearch repository.

Follow the steps in the sections below to complete the installation using this method.

1. Add Elasticsearch Repository

To verify the authenticity of the Elasticsearch packages, add its repository and update the GPG key. Open a terminal window and use the wget command to retrieve the public key and save it to a secure directory:

wget -qO - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg
Retrieve Elasticsearch public key.

Add the Elasticsearch repository to the system's apt sources list to tell the package manager where to find Elasticsearch:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list
Add Elasticsearch repository to sources list.

Note: The command retrieves keys for the latest Elasticsearch release (8.x) at the time of writing this guide. If a newer version is available, adjust the command accordingly.

2. Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu

Before continuing with the installation, update the package index:

sudo apt update

Install Elasticsearch from the repository using the following command:

sudo apt install elasticsearch
Installing Elasticsearch using the apt package manager.

The package manager downloads Elasticsearch and installs it on your system. This process may take a few minutes.

3. Start Elasticsearch Service on Ubuntu

You need to start the Elasticsearch service manually and set it to start on boot. Reload the systemd manager configuration to ensure it recognizes Elasticsearch:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Configure Elasticsearch to start automatically during system boot:

sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
Enable Elasticsearch to start at boot.

Use the following command to start Elasticsearch:

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service

Note: Systemd service commands do not work on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). If you are using Ubuntu on WSL, use the following commands to manage the Elasticsearch service:

sudo service elasticsearch start
sudo service elasticsearch stop
sudo service elasticsearch restart

4. Check Elasticsearch Status on Ubuntu

Check the status of the Elasticsearch service:

sudo systemctl status elasticsearch.service
Checking the status of the Elasticsearch service in Ubuntu.

The output shows that the Elasticsearch service is active and provides information on running tasks and other relevant details.

Method 2: Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu via Debian Package

On Ubuntu, you can download and install software from a Debian package. This is a quick and straightforward installation method. However, without a package manager like apt, users must manually download and install updates and new versions as they are released.

1. Download the Elasticsearch Debian Package

Use the wget command to download the latest Debian package from the Elastic webpage:

Download Elasticsearch Debian package file.

Note: Adjust the command to replace the Elasticsearch version (8.15.0) if a more recent version has been released.

Verify the integrity of the file using a checksum. Use the following command to download the SHA-512 checksum file for Elasticsearch version 8.15.0:

Downloading the Elasticsearch Debian package.

Compare the checksum of the downloaded Elasticsearch package with the one in the checksum file:

shasum -a 512 -c elasticsearch-8.15.0-amd64.deb.sha512

Verify checksum for Elasticsearch Debian File.

The OK message indicates that the file is legitimate.

2. Install the Debian Package

Install the Elasticsearch package using the dpkg command:

sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-8.15.0-amd64.deb
Installing Elasticsearch from a Debian package file.

Missing dependencies are a common issue on Ubuntu systems. If you encounter potential dependency errors, enter the following command to resolve them:

sudo apt install -f

This system automatically downloads and installs any missing dependencies and completes the installation.

3. Start Elasticsearch

Enter the following command to enable the Elasticsearch service:

sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch.service

The service will start automatically every time the system boots.

Use the following command to start Elasticsearch:

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service

4. Verify the Installation

Check the status of the service to confirm it is active:

sudo systemctl status elasticsearch.service
The status of the Elasticsearch service after a Debian package installation.

The output confirms the Elasticsearch service is active.

Method 3: Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu Manually from Elastic Archive

You can manually download the Elasticsearch package as a compressed file from the official Elastic website and install it on your system. This approach has a few additional steps but gives you more control over the installation process.

1. Download the Elasticsearch Archive

Use wget to download the latest zipped version of Elasticsearch via the command line:

Command to download the Elasticsearch tar.gz archive.

The current Elasticsearch version is 8.15.0. Update the command accordingly if you want to download a different version.

2. Extract the Archive

Extract the tar.gz archive using the tar command:

tar -xzf elasticsearch-8.15.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz

This command creates an elasticsearch-8.15.0 directory in the current working directory. It contains the files needed to run Elasticsearch.

3. Move Elasticsearch to Different Directory

To make it easier to manage Elasticsearch, move the extracted directory to /usr/local/ or another directory where you typically store applications:

sudo mv elasticsearch-8.15.0 /usr/local/elasticsearch

4. Run Elasticsearch

Start Elasticsearch manually using the following command:


This command starts Elasticsearch in the foreground and displays logs in the terminal session.

Start Elasticsearch from archive file in terminal.

To run Elasticsearch in the background, append the -d flag to the command:

/usr/local/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch -d

While Elasticsearch runs in the background, you can continue using the terminal for other tasks.

5. Set Up Elasticsearch as a Systemd Service (Optional)

You can set up Elasticsearch as a systemd service, which allows you to start, stop, and manage Elasticsearch like any other service on your system:

1. Use a text editor, like Nano, to create a new service file for Elasticsearch:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service

2. Add the following content to the file:



Set up Elasticsearch as a systemd service.

3. Press Ctrl+X, Y, and Enter to save the file and exit the editor.

4. Reload the systemd configuration to recognize the new service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

5. Ensure Elasticsearch starts automatically whenever your system boots with the following command:

sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch.service

6. Start the Elasticsearch service:

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service

6. Verify the Installation

To ensure that Elasticsearch is running correctly, you can check its status with the following command:

sudo systemctl status elasticsearch.service
Status of the Elasticsearch service after a tar.gz installation.

Configure Elasticsearch on Ubuntu

Elasticsearch is preconfigured for basic use case scenarios, like running a single-node environment on a local machine. Users who need advanced security features, remote access, or extended logging options must adjust the default settings in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file.

Note: YAML files use indentation to denote the structure. Make sure to maintain the indentation when editing the file.

Allow Remote Access

By default, Elasticsearch listens only on localhost for connections, which means the service cannot be accessed remotely. However, even in development and test environments, multiple nodes often need to communicate with each other.

To allow remote access to your Elasticsearch service:

1. Access the elasticsearch.yml file. If you installed Elasticsearch from a Debian repository or package, enter:

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

If you installed Elasticsearch using an archive file, use the following command:

sudo nano /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml

Adjust the command accordingly if you specified a different directory during installation.

2. Find the line in the Network section and uncomment it by removing the # symbol.

3. You can bind Elasticsearch to a specific network interface. For example,
Setting the parameter in Elasticsearch.

4. To listen on all available network interfaces, set the value to

This setting allows anyone to access your Elasticsearch cluster from anywhere. Use it with caution and only if you have firewall, authentication, and encryption systems in place to protect your cluster.

5. When you set to a non-loopback IP address, such as or, Elasticsearch will perform bootstrap checks before starting the cluster. To pass the checks, find the cluster.initial_master_nodes line and update it with the IP addresses of the master-eligible nodes in your cluster:

cluster.initial_master_nodes: [""]
Configure the master node setting in Elasticsearch.

Include all master-eligible node IPs in this list when setting up a multi-node cluster.

6. Press Ctrl+X, Y, and Enter to save and close the file.

7. Restart the Elasticsearch service to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service

Set Data and Logs Directory

The elasticsearch.yml file is organized into sections that control different aspects of Elasticsearch behavior. The Paths section contains directory paths that tell Elasticsearch where to store index data or logs.

You can adjust the directory paths in the Paths section to, for example, store data or logs on a disk with more capacity or a dedicated storage device.

  • /var/lib/elasticsearch. Path to file that stores index data.
  • path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch. Path to file that stores log files.
Configure log paths in Elasticsearch.

If you made any changes, save and close the file and restart the Elasticsearch service to apply them.

Secure Elasticsearch with UFW (Optional)

If you allow remote access to Elasticsearch, you must define firewall rules and enable UFW to limit network exposure. When accessing Elasticsearch over SSH, ensure you allow traffic on the default SSH port 22 or a custom SSH port:

1. Enter the following command to enable traffic on port 22:

sudo ufw allow 22

2. Elasticsearch listens for incoming requests on port 9200 by default. Create the rule to allow access on port 9200 using the following command:

sudo ufw allow from [external_IP] to any port 9200

Replace [external_IP] with the IP of the remote machine that will be used to access Elasticsearch.

3. Enable the UFW tool:

sudo ufw enable
Activate the UFW tool in Ubuntu.

4. To ensure you added the rules correctly, check the status of UFW.

sudo ufw status
The UFW service status in Ubuntu.

The tool displays its status and firewall rule details.

Configure Log Settings

When you run into potential issues, the verbosity and format of the log files can help with troubleshooting. The logging settings in Elasticsearch are managed in the file.

1. To access the file, enter one of the following commands based on your installation method.

Debian repository and Debian package installations:

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/

Manual installation from the Elastic archive:

sudo nano /usr/local/elasticsearch/config/

2. One common action is to instruct Elasticsearch to log more detailed information by changing the following line in the file:

rootLogger.level = info


rootLogger.level = debug
Set Elasticsearch log to debug mode.

3. After editing the configuration file, save and close the file and restart the Elasticsearch service to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service

4. Use the following command to check Elasticsearch logs:

sudo journalctl -u elasticsearch.service

The log will now contain more detailed entries. Note that more detailed logs can increase disk usage and impact system performance.

Store Password as Environment Variable

In your shell session, you can store the Elastic user password as an environment variable. The following command sets the password in the ELASTIC_PASSWORD variable:

export ELASTIC_PASSWORD="your_secure_password"

Applications like Kibana that need the password can access it during the session. Even though this means you do not need to hardcode the password in scripts, remember that environment variables are still visible to processes and users with access to your shell.

Test Ubuntu Elasticsearch Installation

After configuring and securing Elasticsearch, test the installation to ensure everything works.

The default listening port for Elasticsearch is 9200. Use the curl command to send an HTTP request to the localhost:

curl localhost:9200

If Elasticsearch is running correctly, you should see a JSON response with information about the cluster, including version details, name, and other metadata.

An example of an Elasticsearch HTTP request response.

If you have enabled remote access, use the following curl request to prompt Elasticsearch:

curl -X GET http://[server_IP]:9200/

Replace [server_IP] with your serverโ€™s IP address. The response should resemble the local request response.


The guide showed you how to install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu using different methods, configure basic settings, and verify that the service is running.

Next, install Kibana and Logstash, the remaining ELK stack components, and fully leverage Elasticsearch and its many features.

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