DevOps and Development

How to Deploy Kafka on Kubernetes

April 24, 2024

Kafka collects and structures vast amounts of data from multiple clients simultaneously. It improves the efficiency of applications running in a Kubernetes cluster. Use this article to find out how to configure Kafka brokers on your Kubernetes cluster.

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How to Install and Use Git on Windows

April 18, 2024

Git tracks source code changes during the software development process. It can help coordinate work among programmers. This tutorial uses multiple images to show you how to install Git on Windows in a few simple steps, followed by a few basic commands to complete the initial setup.

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How to Rename a Local and Remote Git Branch

April 11, 2024

Git is a version control system that helps you control the stages of software development. It uses named branches to keep the original code intact, while working on new revisions. This guide uses a few simple commands to show you how to change the name of a branch.

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Docker Image Size: How to Check and Reduce It

April 10, 2024

Docker images can easily become too large to handle, which is why it is important to keep their size under control. You can drastically reduce image size by applying a few simple rules while creating a Dockerfile. Read on to find out how to keep your Docker images small and speed up the building.

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How to Create Docker Image from Dockerfile

April 5, 2024

A Dockerfile offers a simpler and faster way of creating Docker images. It provides a script with all the commands necessary for assembling an image, essentially automating the process. Learn how to create a Dockerfile and use it to build Docker images.

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PHP Error Reporting: How to Enable & Configure

April 4, 2024

Error messages provides valuable insight and can point you in the right direction while troubleshooting or debugging. Follow the instructions in this tutorial to find out how to enable PHP error reporting.

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PHP Error Types and Error Logging Explained

A PHP error occurs when something is wrong in the PHP code. Errors range from simple mistakes to complex problems. Learn how to properly log and work with PHP errors in this guide.

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How to Install and Use Nano Text Editor {+ Nano Commands}

March 25, 2024

Nano is a simple, modeless, WYSIWYG command-line text editor included in most Linux installations. With a simple easy to use interface, it is a great choice for Linux beginners. In this tutorial, learn how to install and use the Nano text editor.

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How to Set Up and Use Private Docker Registry

March 21, 2024

By setting up a private Docker registry, you can save valuable resources and speed up development processes. With a private registry, you can pull images from Docker Hub and share them with other Docker hosts in your network. In this tutorial, learn how to set up Docker private registry and configure it for external accessibility.

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How to Get the Current Date and Time in Python

March 12, 2024

The article shows you how to create a basic Python script that displays the current date and time. Find out how to use the datetime and time modules to format the information you need.

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