
How to Install Wine on Ubuntu

April 24, 2024

Wine is an application that lets you run Windows programs on a Linux system. Wine is similar to an emulator, but with a different technology that improves performance. In this tutorial learn how to install and use Wine on Ubuntu 18.04.

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How to Deploy Kafka on Kubernetes

Kafka collects and structures vast amounts of data from multiple clients simultaneously. It improves the efficiency of applications running in a Kubernetes cluster. Use this article to find out how to configure Kafka brokers on your Kubernetes cluster.

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How to Install and Use Git on Windows

April 18, 2024

Git tracks source code changes during the software development process. It can help coordinate work among programmers. This tutorial uses multiple images to show you how to install Git on Windows in a few simple steps, followed by a few basic commands to complete the initial setup.

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How to Check Linux Kernel Version

The Linux kernel is much like the central brain of the operating system. Although it is open-source – meaning anyone can view and modify the code – the Linux kernel is built with multiple protocols to ensure stability and security. This guide will walk you through how to check the Linux kernel version of your operating system.

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How to Change Root or Sudo Password in Ubuntu

April 16, 2024

Are you looking to change the root password in Ubuntu? Changing passwords is a good practice and should be done periodically. Linux allows multiple user accounts, each having its own password. Users can only change their own password. However, there is always a sudo/root (SuperUser) account. Root users can change the password of any account, including their own.

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How to Use the su Command in Linux with Examples

Learn how to use the su command with practical examples and explanations. Change users in the terminal window or switch to the root in a single step. This article tells you all you need to know about su.

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How to Rename a Local and Remote Git Branch

April 11, 2024

Git is a version control system that helps you control the stages of software development. It uses named branches to keep the original code intact, while working on new revisions. This guide uses a few simple commands to show you how to change the name of a branch.

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How to Install Nmap Network Scanner on Linux

April 8, 2024

This tutorial shows how to install Nmap on a Linux-based system and use it to retrieve valuable information from remote systems.

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How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu

April 4, 2024

MongoDB is a document database program that provides high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling to your databases. Use this tutorial to learn how to install MongoDB. The article also shows you how to implement basic security features to get you started.

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How to Add User to Sudoers or Sudo Group on Ubuntu

April 3, 2024

The sudo command is the preferred means to handle elevated permissions. Standard user accounts are restricted from performing sensitive tasks, such as viewing the contents of the /root directory. This prevents the accidental use of commands with massive consequences. It also makes it more difficult for intruders to compromise a system. If you need to run an administrative command. Sudo – or Super User Do – grants you privileges to run sensitive tasks. The sudo command will grant elevated permissions for 15 minutes. This guide will show you how to create a new user on Ubuntu and provide sudo access.

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