
How to Add Python to PATH on Windows, Linux, and Mac

December 28, 2023

Adding a binary to PATH ensures that the binary is executed from the command line, without the need to specify its path. This article shows you how to add the Python binary to PATH on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

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How to Extract .tar.gz File in Windows

December 27, 2023

A .tar.gz archive is a compressed file that involves multiple files compiled into a single archive and compressed using gzip compression. Extracting these files in Linux can be complex. Learn how to use different third-party tools to get them.

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How to Create a Postgres User

User creation and management is an important aspect of database security. Learn how to create various user types in PostgreSQL in this guide.

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cd Command: How to Change Directory in Linux

December 22, 2023

This article explains how to change the current working directory in Linux using the cd command.

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Gunzip Command in Linux With Examples

December 21, 2023

The gunzip command is used to decompress files. This command restores the compressed file to its original state. Read this tutorial to learn all about the gunzip command in Linux.

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How to Set Up a Cron Job on Mac

Cron scheduler is a popular system administration tool on macOS and other UNIX-like systems. This article shows you how to set up a Cron job on Mac to schedule automatic execution of maintenance, backup, and other scripts.

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How to Set up a Cron Job on Windows

December 20, 2023

You can set up a cron job in Windows using three different methods. This tutorial guides you through setting up, editing, and deleting cron jobs in a Windows environment.

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How to Migrate CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 9

This guide shows how to upgrade CentOS to Rocky Linux 9 using Leapp and ELevate.

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7 Ways to Reduce Server Response Time

Reducing server response time t is one of the primary goals of website owners and SEO experts. The first couple of seconds determine whether a client stays on your page or bounces on to the next one.

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VPN vs. VDI: What's the Difference?

December 15, 2023

Setting up a remote office system for your employees? Check out how VPN and VDI can help and learn about the differences of these two solutions.

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