DevOps and Development

How to Run PySpark on Jupyter Notebook

October 4, 2023

Combining PySpark and Jupyter Notebooks creates a powerful data analysis environment. Learn how to set up PySpark to run on Jupyter Notebook in this guide.

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How to Cherry-Pick from Another Branch in Git

October 2, 2023

Learn to use cherry-picking in Git and selectively incorporate changes from one branch into another. This tutorial shows how to use cherry-pick and explains the pros and cons of this Git feature.

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How to Merge a Git Branch into Master

Merging is an essential Git procedure that brings multiple lines of development together. This tutorial shows how to merge a local branch into the master branch.

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VDI vs. VM: Understanding the Differences

September 28, 2023

This article highlights the differences between VDI and VMs and explores their strengths and limitations.

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How to Use Docker for Visual Studio Code

The Docker extension for VSC allows you to execute Docker commands and perform Docker image and container management straight from your VSC environment. This article shows you how to install the Docker extension, create a container image, and run the Docker container in VSC.

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Memory Management in Operating Systems Explained

September 22, 2023

Memory management is a core operation in operating systems. Learn how memory management is crucial in process handling, system stability, and performance.

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How to Set Up letsencrypt with Nginx on Docker

September 21, 2023

Let's Encrypt secures your Docker Nginx installation by providing easy to install SSL/TLS certificates. This article shows how to use Certbot to set up Let's Encrypt on a Nginx server running in Docker.

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Stack vs. Heap: Explaining the Difference

This article explains the differences between stack and heap memory and their impact on memory management and program execution.

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How to Install Java on Ubuntu

Java is one of the most popular programming languages used for developing anything from lightweight mobile to desktop applications. This step-by-step guide shows you how simple it is to install Java on Ubuntu.

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How to Switch Branch in Git

September 20, 2023

Branches in Git allow developers to work on different parts of code simultaneously without affecting the main codebase. This tutorial shows how to switch between branches in Git.

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