DevOps and Development

How to Restart Kubernetes Pods

November 27, 2023

Kubernetes is one of the most popular systems for managing containerized applications. But it isn't always able to fix container and pod errors on its own. We've listed five solutions for manually restarting pods in Kubernetes that will save you time and get your applications running.

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How to Resolve the "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon" Error

November 23, 2023

Docker is used to develop and deploy applications with containers. It is popular due to its flexibility and low system requirements, but errors sometimes happen.
This tutorial will help you find the cause of the "cannot connect to the Docker daemon" error and fix any underlying issues.

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Git Switch vs. Checkout: What's the Difference?

November 21, 2023

Learn about the git switch and git checkout commands, when to use them, their options and pros and cons.

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What Is an HPC Cluster?

November 20, 2023

An HPC cluster includes thousands of powerful computers called nodes that process huge amounts of data at high speeds.
This tutorial explains what an HPC cluster is.

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How to Add SSH Key to VSC

November 16, 2023

The VSC remote development extension allows you to connect to a remote system and use it as if it were locally available. This article shows you how to add an SSH key to VSC and access a remote environment without typing in a password.

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High Performance Computing (HPC) Applications and Examples

See how high-performance computing (HPC) is shaping the world today. Read about the applications and real-life examples in this article.

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Maven vs. Jenkins: Comprehensive Comparison

November 9, 2023

Maven and Jenkins are two popular open-source DevOps automation tools that have widely different roles within the SDLC. This article introduces you to their features, and offers advice on when and why to use each tool.

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Git Branching Naming Convention: Best Practices to Follow

Branching is an essential part of Git, and naming a branch properly is equally important. Learn about the different naming conventions and choose the ones that suit your needs best.

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Terraform vs. Kubernetes: What Are the Differences

Automation is one of the most important concepts in software development today. Automating infrastructure speeds up execution of configuration changes, eliminates the human error, and provides the transparency for all the teams across the project. This article provides an overview of two popular automation choices, Terraform and Kubernetes.

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Best Python IDEs And Code Editors

November 6, 2023

An IDE is like a toolbox and a Code editor is like a power tool. In this article, we review 9 IDEs and 5 Code editors for Python. Discover the best one for you.

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