
How to Set Up a Firewall with UFW on Ubuntu

December 1, 2022

UFW is a simple interface implemented on top of iptables that provides an easier way to configure a firewall. Use it to define rules of communication to and from a server and ensure your Ubuntu is protected.

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How to Install Samba in Ubuntu

November 24, 2022

Samba is an open-source utility for Linux that enables file sharing between Linux machines and other operating systems. This tutorial teaches you how to install and configure Samba in Ubuntu.

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YUM vs. APT: What's the Difference?

APT and YUM are two popular package managers. This article shows their similarities and differences, and presents examples of basic package management operations.

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How To Install PHP On Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04

PHP is a script-based server-side programming language. PHP is often used to automate server tasks and is the component that handles tasks like dynamic content, database requests, and processing and displaying data. This guide will walk you through installing PHP on Ubuntu.

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How to Install Terraform on Windows, Linux, and MacOS

November 23, 2022

This guide will show you how to install Terraform on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Choose the section for your OS and follow the instructions.

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Rocky Linux vs. AlmaLinux: What Are the Differences?

Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux are two operating systems created as a replacement for CentOS. This article compares the two OSes and helps you decide which one to choose for your business.

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Linux adduser Command with Examples

November 17, 2022

The adduser command is the preferable and interactive way to add new user accounts and groups to a Linux system. Learn how to use the command and see some of the available options in this guide.

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Linux ifconfig Command With Examples

November 16, 2022

The ifconfig command is still widely used to configure any network interface in Linux. Read this tutorial and learn how ifconfig works.

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How to Install Rust on Ubuntu

November 15, 2022

Rust is a general-purpose programming language known for its speed, memory efficiency, and seamless integration with other languages.
Read this tutorial to learn how to install Rust on Ubuntu.

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What is Rocky Linux and Why Use It

November 10, 2022

This article gives information about Rocky Linux, an open-source CentOS successor. Learn the benefits of using Rocky Linux, its pros and cons, and whether it is the right choice for your business.

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