
apt Linux Command with Examples

October 21, 2022

apt is an interactive command-line utility for managing deb packages. This tutorial will teach you how to use apt.

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How to Install Homebrew in Linux

October 20, 2022

Homebrew package manager was originally developed to offer macOS users a convenient way to install Linux applications. However, a native Linux version also exists. This tutorial shows you how to install Homebrew in Linux.

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Installing FFmpeg on Windows

October 19, 2022

FFmpeg is an open-source audio and video converter offering free access to several audio and video libraries. This tutorial shows you how to install FFmpeg on Windows.

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What Is sudo rm -rf in Linux and Is It Dangerous?

The sudo rm -rf command removes a non-empty file directory with elevated permissions. But is there any danger to using this command? Find out by reading this article.

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How to Install LAMP in Ubuntu

October 13, 2022

A LAMP stack is a set of open source software tools used for web application development. For a web application to work, it has to include an operating system, a web server, a database and, a programming language. Learn how to install and set up LAMP in Ubuntu.

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Installing FFmpeg on Ubuntu

FFmpeg is an open-source tool that helps users record, convert, and play audio and video content. This guide shows you how to install FFmpeg on Ubuntu.

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apropos Linux Command Explained {with Examples}

October 11, 2022

This tutorial shows you how to use the apropos command. Use apropos to search for keywords in names and descriptions of every man page, finding the command you need.

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Linux Commands All Users Should Know {Ultimate List}

October 4, 2022

This article contains a list of commands all Linux users should know. Whether you're new to Linux or want to learn additional useful commands, the list contains many useful tips and tricks.

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How To Install Vim on Ubuntu

September 29, 2022

VIM, known as the programmer’s editor, is highly configurable and customizable. Also, it allows syntax highlighting is a great tool when it comes to editing. In this tutorial, we learn how to install VIM editor on the Ubuntu operating system.

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Linux split Command with Examples

September 28, 2022

The split command breaks files into smaller parts. Read this tutorial to learn how to use the Linux split command.

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