
How to Install Rocky Linux on VirtualBox

November 8, 2022

This guide shows how to install the latest Rocky Linux version on VirtualBox. Virtualization has many benefits, including reduced costs, improved security, minimized downtime and simplified management.

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How to Install Docker on Rocky Linux

November 2, 2022

Docker is a Platform-as-a-Service tool for containerized app deployments. It uses Docker Engine to create and manage application containers. This tutorial shows you how to install and setup Docker on Rocky Linux.

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AppArmor vs. SELinux: Comprehensive Comparison

AppArmor and SELinux, allow system administrators to grant or deny access to resources and control systems built into the Linux kernel.
In this text, you'll learn how the tools differ.

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How to Install Rocky Linux {Step-by-Step Guide}

Rocky Linux is an increasingly popular OS whose main features are stability, speed, and performance. This tutorial shows how to install Rocky Linux 9.

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How to Install Rocky Linux on VMware

November 1, 2022

Want to test drive Rocky 9 on a virtual machine? This guide outlines the steps to set up and install Rocky 9 on VMware workstation.

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How to Zip a File in Linux

October 31, 2022

Did you know you can work with ZIP files on Linux? The handy zip command lets you create ZIP archive files quickly. Learn how to use the command in this guide.

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Installing FFmpeg on Mac

October 27, 2022

FFmpeg is an open-source CLI tool for audio and video file processing. It comprises a suite of programs and libraries for decoding, encoding, streaming, filtering and playing various multimedia formats. This guide will present three different ways to install FFmpeg on macOS.

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How to Fix Docker Permission Denied?

The "Permission Denied" error in Docker occurs when a non-root user lacking sufficient privileges attempts to execute a Docker command. This article will present you with six methods to fix the "Permission Denied" error in Docker.

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8 Types of Linux Shells

October 26, 2022

You've probably heard of the Bourne shell and the bash shell. But did you know there are other alternatives? This guide outlines the features of 8 different types of Linux shells.

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How to Install Go on Debian

October 21, 2022

Go is a modern, open-source language that streamlines software development. Read this tutorial to learn how to install Go on Debian.

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