
useradd vs. adduser: What Are the Differences?

September 1, 2022

Linux provides two commands to add users to the system: useradd and adduser. Learn about the difference between these two commands and when to use which.

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Linux comm Command with Examples

August 31, 2022

The comm command allows you to compare two files line by line. Read this tutorial to learn how to use the comm command.

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Git Tag Commit Guide

August 30, 2022

This tutorial shows how to create a Git tag for the latest commit in the repository, and for a specific commit in the Git project history.

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Git Clone Tag Guide

August 29, 2022

This tutorial shows how to clone a specific Git tag from a remote repository, and address the detached HEAD state.

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Git List Tags

August 25, 2022

Git tags highlight specific points in a project development history. Listing tags allows you to quickly find a specific commit or project version. This tutorial shows how to list local and remote Git tags.

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Linux make Command with Examples

The make command is a widely used Linux tool. Makefiles and make cut down the time and effort needed to compile files. Read this guide to learn how to use make.

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Install Chocolatey on Windows 10

Chocolatey is an open-source package manager designed for Windows. This tutorial shows how to install and use Chocolatey with some basic commands.

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How to Add a User to a Linux Group

August 19, 2022

By following the steps in this tutorial you will learn how to add a user to a group in Linux. Read the easy steps and learn how to expand your team. You will learn how to manage privileges for several users at once. Linux groups allow you to manage multiple user permissions more quickly and easily.

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Git Push Tag to Remote Guide

August 17, 2022

Follow this guide to learn to create and push local Git tags to a remote repository. See examples for pushing single, multiple, or all existing local tags to a remote repo.

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fuser Linux Command With Examples

August 15, 2022

The fuser command is a Linux process management utility that identifies running processes in the system. Read this tutorial to learn how to use the fuser command effectively.

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