
Server Operating Systems: Server OS Types & How to Choose

March 10, 2022

A server operating system is software designed to power a server computer. Learn more about server operating systems and read tips on choosing the best server OS for your business.

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How to Troubleshoot ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

March 3, 2022

The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error occurs when the URL you're visiting redirects you to another URL, which points back to the original one. Learn to fix the "too many redirects" error.

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Localhost vs.

February 24, 2022

Are localhost and synonymous and if not how do they differ? Learn more about the differences and similarities between these two commonly used networking concepts.

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What Is Localhost?

February 17, 2022

Localhost is essential for hosting web apps locally, as well as testing applications. Learn what localhost is and why it is synonymous to the IP address

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How to Install and Configure OpenVPN Access Server

January 17, 2022

Follow the steps and instructions in this guide to learn how to create an OpenVPN account, set up the network in Cloud Director, and successfully install OpenVPN Access Server.

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How to Use the nslookup Command

January 13, 2022

Access to Domain Name System (DNS) records of a website is important for troubleshooting network related problems. This tutorial will introduce nslookup, a cross-platform command for querying servers and obtaining domain records.

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NFS Docker Volumes: How to Create and Use

December 15, 2021

Using Docker volumes is a convenient way to set up persistent storage for your Docker containers. Aside from normal directories, Docker allows users to mount directories shared over NFS. This tutorial will show you how to create and mount NFS Docker volumes.

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How to Use the ulimit Linux Command

December 9, 2021

The ulimit shell command allows you to view or limit the amount of resources a user can consume. Limiting resources prevents adverse effects in the system when a user or program consumes all the available resources.

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How to Install Dig on Windows

December 8, 2021

The dig command is frequently used by network and system administrators to perform DNS lookups. This tutorial shows you how to install dig on Windows using BIND.

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Troubleshooting DNS Issues {nslookup, dig, host & More}

November 17, 2021

DNS issues can be troublesome. This tutorial offers some useful tips and troubleshooting methods to help you pinpoint and resolve DNS problems.

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