The sudo command is the preferred means to handle elevated permissions. Standard user accounts are restricted from performing sensitive tasks, such as viewing the contents of the /root directory. This prevents the accidental use of commands with massive consequences. It also makes it more difficult for intruders to compromise a system. If you need to run an administrative command. Sudo – or Super User Do – grants you privileges to run sensitive tasks. The sudo command will grant elevated permissions for 15 minutes. This guide will show you how to create a new user on Ubuntu and provide sudo access.
- Colocation
Premier Carrier Hotel - Bare Metal Cloud
API-Driven Dedicated Servers - Dedicated Servers
Single-Tenant Physical Machines - Cloud
Custom Cloud Solutions- Managed Private Cloud (MPC)
Highly Customizable Cloud - Data Security Cloud
Secure-By-Design Cloud - Hybrid Cloud
Multi-Platform Environment - Edge Computing
Globally Distributed Servers - Object Storage
S3 API Compatible Storage Service - Bare Metal Cloud
API-Driven Dedicated Servers - Alternative Cloud Provider
Overcome Public Cloud Limitations
- Managed Private Cloud (MPC)
- Backup & Restore
Backup and DRaaS - Security
Security Services
- Colocation