DevOps and Development

How to Show or Hide Line Numbers in Vim

February 28, 2022

You can activate line numbering in Vim by showing absolute, relative or hybrid lines. Displaying or hiding line numbers can be done in a couple of simple steps.

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File Handling in Python: Create, Open, Append, Read, Write

February 24, 2022

Working with files is part of everyday tasks in programming. This tutorial teaches you elementary file handling in Python.

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Bash printf - How to Print a Variable in Bash

The printf command produces formatted text outputs in the terminal. This tutorial shows how to use the printf command to print and format a variable output in Linux.

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How to Run MongoDB on Kubernetes

MongoDB is a general purpose, document-based NoSQL. This tutorial will teach you how to deploy MongoDB on Kubernetes as a standalone, local development instance, and as a replica set.

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How To Use The Bash read Command

February 21, 2022

The Bash read command reads a user's input or a file descriptor and allows splitting into different fields. Learn how to utilize the command in this guide.

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How to Change Jenkins Home Directory

February 10, 2022

The Jenkins Home directory contains Jenkins deployment logs, cloned repositories, and configurations. This tutorial shows you how to change the location of the Jenkins Home directory.

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Jenkins Shared Library: How to Create, Configure and Use

February 3, 2022

Jenkins is an open-source solution for automating software development. Jenkins Shared Libraries allow developers to reuse scripts for multiple projects.

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Send a curl DELETE Request {With Example}

February 2, 2022

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up a fake REST API JSON server and send a DELETE request using curl.

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Bash break: How to Exit From a Loop

January 26, 2022

A break statement controls the flow of a Bash loop by exiting from a loop under certain conditions. Learn how to use the statement through our hands on examples in Bash scripts.

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Jenkins Build: Set Up Freestyle Project in Jenkins

January 25, 2022

Jenkins uses projects to help developers automate coding and deployment. This tutorial shows you how to create a freestyle project in Jenkins.

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