DevOps and Development

Bash Math Operations (Bash Arithmetic) Explained

April 14, 2022

You can perform math and arithmetic operations in Bash directly. Although the functionalities are basic, the examples from this tutorial show how to maximize the use of math in Bash scripts.

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Install Podman on Ubuntu

April 12, 2022

Podman is a daemonless container management tool developed by RedHat. This tutorial shows how to install Podman on all versions of Ubuntu, and basic use case examples.

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Grep Regex: A Complete Guide

April 7, 2022

The core of the grep command (Global Regular Expressions Print) is regular expressions. Master grep regex through the hands-on examples in this guide.

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Podman Tutorial - Basics for Beginners

March 31, 2022

Podman is a container engine developed by RedHat as a direct alternative to Docker. This tutorial will help you understand how Podman works and explain its command syntax. It will also provide examples of the important commands.

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What is Podman? - Everything You Need to Know

March 24, 2022

The need to diversify the offer in the containerization tools market prompted the creation of container management tools that can compete with Docker. This article will introduce you to Podman, a daemonless container engine developed by RedHat.

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How to Install Podman on macOS

March 17, 2022

Docker is a platform synonymous with app containerization. However, there are other projects that aim to diversify the offer in the container management market. Podman is one of the open-source projects that has recently become popular. This article will show you how to install Podman on macOS using Homebrew.

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How to Read Files Line by Line in Bash

This tutorial shows how to read a file line by line using the Bash shell. See five different methods and process a file's contents effectively.

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Docker vs containerd vs CRI-O: An In-Depth Comparison

March 10, 2022

Container management and orchestration platforms are designed to be intuitive and simple for the end user. However, the platforms themselves are complex and consist of multiple coordinated projects. This article will explain the differences between three important parts of the container management ecosystem - Docker, containerd, and CRI-O.

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Bash HereDoc Tutorial With Examples

March 3, 2022

A HereDoc helps pass multiple commands to another command, making redirection and Bash scripts easier to understand. Learn how to write a HereDoc through various examples in this guide.

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Git Revert Commit: How to Undo Last Commit

Git has a lot of features that help you manage your project and easily access previous commits. This article uses simple commands to show you how to revert to an earlier commit quickly.

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