DevOps and Development

What Is a Boolean Data Type?

February 9, 2023

Boolean values have only two possible states: true or false. Learn how booleans help control programming flow and decisions in code in this guide.

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How to Read From stdin in Python

February 7, 2023

Learn how to take user input and read from stdin in Python through hands-on examples. This article shows three different methods: reading an input stream, from user input, and from file streams.

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Add Elements to Python Array

February 2, 2023

Although Python doesn't have a built-in array data structure, there are other ways to create and add to arrays. Learn how to add values to lists, array module arrays, and NumPy arrays in this guide.

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How to Exit a Docker Container

Running a command inside a Docker container is a frequently employed action in container management. Once the user finishes working inside the container, they need to exit it before resuming work in their system's shell session. This article shows you how to exit a Docker container.

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10 Docker Alternatives

Docker offers robust security features, speeds up app deployment, and facilitates software management. However, it is not always the best option, especially for use cases that do not require all of the platform's features. This article presents 10 Docker alternatives to help you replace Docker in your workflow.

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How to Make a Calculator With Python

February 1, 2023

This step-by-step guide shows how to make a calculator with Python and runs through some basic programming concepts. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional Python calculator program.

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Ansible vs. Jenkins: What's the Difference?

January 26, 2023

DevOps promotes automation across the entire software development life cycle. Therefore, there are many DevOps tools that enable automation at various SDLC stages. This article compares two popular automation solutions, Ansible and Jenkins.

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How to Find the List Length in Python

January 25, 2023

When working with Python lists, knowing the list length is a key piece of information. A list length helps describe how many elements are in a list. Read this guide to see how you can find the list length in Python.

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Python Power Operator and Function

January 23, 2023

Python has two ways to calculate the power of a number: using a power operator and a built-in function. Check out this guide to see how to use both through examples.

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What Is the .bashrc File in Linux?

The .bashrc file holds all the configuration for the Bash shell. Learn how to configure the Bash shell using functions and aliases and create custom colors. Every shell should be unique.

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