Results for: Docker

How to Stop Docker Containers

July 23, 2024

Some Docker containers, such as those running web servers, are designed to run indefinitely. When the user decides they no longer need such containers, they must stop them manually. This tutorial shows you how to stop Docker containers.

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How to Start Docker Containers

July 18, 2024

Docker CLI features two commands that allow users to start Docker containers - docker run and docker start. This article shows you how to use the commands and their options to customize how your containers start and behave.

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How to List Docker Containers

July 16, 2024

Managing containers is essential for working in Docker. This guide teaches you an important management aspect - how to list Docker containers and customize the list view according to your needs.

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docker run Command: Syntax, Options, Examples

July 11, 2024

The docker run command is used to create and execute Docker containers. By expanding the basic command syntax with many available options, the user can customize container storage, networking, performance and other settings. Learn how to use docker run by reading this tutorial.

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How to Update Docker Image and Container

To avoid running containers with outdated Docker images, ensure you update the containers regularly. This tutorial shows how to update a Docker image and container with a step-by-step guide and a practical example.

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Docker Image vs. Container: The Major Differences

May 23, 2024

Docker images and containers are essential components in the process of running an application in a Docker environment. Since images and containers are closely related, some users may find it difficult to understand their individual roles. This article explains these roles, how the concepts are related, and how they differ.

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Docker Image Size: How to Check and Reduce It

April 10, 2024

Docker images can easily become too large to handle, which is why it is important to keep their size under control. You can drastically reduce image size by applying a few simple rules while creating a Dockerfile. Read on to find out how to keep your Docker images small and speed up the building.

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How to Create Docker Image from Dockerfile

April 5, 2024

A Dockerfile offers a simpler and faster way of creating Docker images. It provides a script with all the commands necessary for assembling an image, essentially automating the process. Learn how to create a Dockerfile and use it to build Docker images.

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How to Set Up and Use Private Docker Registry

March 21, 2024

By setting up a private Docker registry, you can save valuable resources and speed up development processes. With a private registry, you can pull images from Docker Hub and share them with other Docker hosts in your network. In this tutorial, learn how to set up Docker private registry and configure it for external accessibility.

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How to Set up Nginx as Reverse Proxy for Docker Container

March 14, 2024

The easiest way to set up a reverse proxy is using Docker and Nginx. Learn how to set up reverse proxy for web servers by running each service in a Docker container.

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