whereis Command in Linux

Sara Zivanov
November 30, 2023

The Linux whereis command locates the binary, source, and manual page files for a command. The whereis utility provides a concise way to gather information about a target command and allows users to analyze the file structure of a Linux system

This article will teach you about Linux whereis command through its use case examples.


  • Linux system (this tutorial uses Ubuntu 22.04).
  • Access to the terminal.

Linux whereis Command Syntax

The whereis command syntax is:

whereis [options] [command_name]

Running the command without any options or [command_name] in Ubuntu results in an error message:

whereis command output

However, in other Linux distributions, doing the same could produce general output about commonly used commands. The output depends on the system.

Linux whereis Command Options

Theโ€Œ options customize whereis, producing specifically tailored output. The common arguments are:

-bPrints only executables.
-BPrints executable within a specific directory.
-mDisplays only manual pages.
-MDisplays manual pages but within a particular directory.
-sShows only source files.
-SShows only source files but within a specified directory.
-uSearches for unusual entries.
-lLists specified file's components.
-fTerminates the last component in the file path. It is always used with -B, -M, or -S.
-hDisplays help information.
-VPrints version info.

whereis Command in Linux: Examples

The whereis command works with different options and has many use-case examples. The following texts elaborates on the most important examples.

Example 1: Find Command Location

To locate a command, run whereis with the target command name. For instance, find the ls command location with the following:

whereis ls
whereis ls terminal output

The output indicates where the ls executable file is and shows the man page location.

Example 2: Locate Multiple Commands

To find more than one command, type whereis and each [command_name] separated by a space. For instance, find the locations for ls, cat, and whoami with:

whereis ls cat whoami
whereis ls cat whoami terminal output

Example 3: Identify whereis Target Locations

By default, whereis looks for a command's files in pre-defined paths and directories specified in the environment variables.

To identify the searched directories, use the -l option.

For example:

whereis -l
whereis -l terminal output

This output shows the specific directories that whereis examines while searching command-related files.

Example 4: Locate the Command Binary

To find only the command's executable (binary) file, run whereis with -b:

whereis -b [command_name]

For example, find the ls binary file:

whereis -b ls
whereis -b ls terminal output

โ€ŒUnlike the previous example, the output prints only the path to the executable and excludes the manual page.

Example 5: Find Binary in a Specific Location

To pinpoint command executables exclusively within particular directories, use the -B and -f options. The -B argument designates a specific directory, while the -f option, always paired with -B, specifies that the subsequent term in the command is the target command.

The syntax is:

whereis -b -B [directory_name] -f [command_name]

For example, locate ls binaries within the /bin directory with the following:

whereis -b -B /bin -f ls
whereisย  -b -B /bin -f ls terminal output

Example 6: Locate the Man Page

If the goal is only to show the manual page location, run the command with -m.

whereis -m [command_name]

For instance:

whereis -m ls
whereis -m ls terminal output

The output shows only the ls manual page location.

Example 7: Find Unusual Entries

 To search for unusual entries that deviate from the standard or expected location, use the -u argument. For example, find all unusual entries in the current directory with:

whereis -s *
whereis -s * command terminal output


After reading this article, you should know how to use the whereis command and its options by following use-case examples.

Next, read about other important commands in this Linux commands cheat sheet.

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