
How to Install Apache Tomcat 9 on Ubuntu 18.04

July 2, 2019

Apache Tomcat is a free, open-source, lightweight application server used for Java-based web applications. Developers use it to implement Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies (including Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket). Read this guide to learn how to install and configure Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu 18.04.

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How to Install Node.js and NPM on CentOS 7

June 29, 2019

Node Package Manager (npm) is Node’s official package manager, used for installing and managing package dependencies. In this guide, learn how to install Node.js and npm on CentOS 7. We also cover managing multiple Node versions and install dependencies.

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How to Install Java 11 & 12 on CentOS 7

June 23, 2019

As a highly popular programming language, Java is used for developing anything from lightweight mobile to desktop applications. This step-by-step guide shows you how simple it is to install Java on CentOS 7.

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8 Best Website Speed and Performance Testing Tools

June 3, 2019

There are programs that answer two of the most common questions web administrators and SEO's keep asking when it comes to server response time: How fast is my website? How do I improve website performance? We made a list of the best tools to test website speed and performance.

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How To Install PHP 7, 7.2 & 7.3 On CentOS 7

May 24, 2019

PHP is a programming language that’s often used to automate server tasks. It’s part of the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack, which is a bundle of software used for running internet servers and services. The name PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP handles things like dynamic content, database requests, and processing and displaying data. This guide will help you install PHP on CentOS 7.

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How to Install the LAMP Stack on CentOS 7

May 14, 2019

The LAMP stack is a bundle consisting of a Linux operating system, an Apache server, a MySQL database, and the PHP programming language. Each layer of the stack represents an open-source software required for developing web applications. In this tutorial learn how to install the LAMP stack on CentOS 7.

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How to Use the Apt-Get Command in Linux

May 6, 2019

Advanced Package Tool (APT) is a package management system used on Debian, Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. It is quite powerful, allowing you to search for, install, manage, update, and remove software. Learn apt-get commands in Linux.

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How to Install CentOS 7

May 1, 2019

CentOS 7 is an open-source Linux distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).CentOS is seen by many as the preferred option for web hosting due to its stability and active developer community. In this tutorial, learn how to install CentOS 7 in a few simple steps.

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Chown Command: Change Owner of File in Linux

April 29, 2019

The chown command changes user ownership of a file, directory, or link in Linux. Every file is associated with an owning user or group in Linux. Make sure to configure file and folder permissions properly. This tutorial will show you how to execute the Linux chown command to control who can modify file contents.

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How to Set Up Local Yum Repositories on CentOS 7

In Linux, a repository is a central database of software. Most modern Linux distributions have a central repository for system and commonly-used software. Additional repositories can be added for installing non-standard software. This guide will walk you through setting up a local Yum repository on CentOS 7.

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