
How to Disable or Turn Off SELinux on CentOS 7

April 29, 2019

SELinux is a mandatory access control (MAC) enforcer built into the Linux kernel. It limits the privileges of individual services whose vulnerabilities might be a threat to the system. SELinux acts as a system-wide protective agent by enforcing security policies. CentOS systems without SELinux rely on the configuration of all its privileged software applications. A single misconfiguration may compromise the entire system. In this guide, you will learn how to check SELinux status and disable the service on CentOS 7.

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How to List Installed Packages on CentOS with Yum or RPM

Managing a CentOS operating system often means knowing the software packages that are installed. This list can be used for rolling out software updates, rebuilding an operating system, or even duplicating a work environment on another machine. This guide provides three simple methods to list installed software packages on CentOS (and other RedHat-based Linux systems).

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How to Enable SSH on Ubuntu

April 23, 2019

When establishing a remote connection between a client and a server, a primary concern is ensuring a secure connection. For Linux users, the best practice of accessing and managing your server remotely is through the cryptographic protocol known as Secure Shell (SSH). Tutorial on how to Enable, Install, and Configure SSH on Ubuntu. Enabling SSH allows you to connect remotely to your server securely.

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How to Install Apache Web Server on CentOS 7

Apache is a Linux application for running web servers. This tutorial will show you how to install Apache on a CentOS 7 Linux system.

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How to Check CentOS Version?

April 8, 2019

There are many reasons why you should know the CentOS version you are running. For example, if you are troubleshooting a problem, you will want to know. Also, it's useful to ensure your Linux operating system is up-to-date. Outdated software can cause serious security risks and vulnerabilities. In this guide, discover 4 different options on how to check CentOS version in Linux.

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How To Upgrade or Update CentOS 7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4/7.5 to CentOS 7.6

April 5, 2019

CentOS 7.6 is a minor update and was published in December 2018. It includes various minor updates and changes, including support for newer software and technology. This guide will walk you through upgrading and updating the current version to the latest CentOS release.

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Linux Kernel 5.0 Released, New Features & Improvements!

April 3, 2019

The long-awaited Linux Kernel 5.0 upgrade is finally out, and it is time to take a look at all the new features it has to offer. Linus Torvalds, the principal developer of the Linux kernel, warned the public not to expect a drastic difference from its predecessor. He announced that the Linux Foundation does not do “feature-based releases.” Therefore, calling it 5.0 instead of 4.22 is just a matter of him “running out of fingers to count on.”

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How to Check Linux Red Hat (RHEL) Version Installed On Your System

April 1, 2019

Red Hat is a popular and influential fork of the Linux operating system. Many Linux operating systems based on Red Hat architecture, (RHEL, CentOS and Fedora).Checking your Red Hat version is simple. This tutorial will show you how to check the system version of your Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

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How to upgrade Debian 9 Stretch to Linux Debian 10 Buster

March 29, 2019

Debian 10, codenamed Buster, is still a work in progress, but a pre-release version is available. Even though Debian 10 has not reached its final release date, you can still run the upgrade. This guide will walk you through how to upgrade from Debian 9 (Stretch) to Debian 10 (Buster).

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How to Upgrade Debian 8 Jessie to Debian Linux 9 Stretch

March 24, 2019

Debian is one of the main distributions, of the Linux operating system. There are many derivatives of Debian Linux, like Ubuntu and Kali. But the primary Debian operating system remains a popular and well-supported Linux operating system. This guide will walk you through upgrading Debian 8 (Jessie)to the next version, Debian 9 (Stretch).

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