
Vim Commands Cheat Sheet

July 22, 2020

Vim is an open-source text editor found in most Linux distributions. This article lists all the commonly used Vim commands and includes a downloadable one-page cheat sheet for future reference.

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How to Install LAMP Stack on CentOS 8

July 19, 2020

The LAMP stack consists of open-source software required for web development. Install and configure the LAMP stack on your CentOS 8 server by following this step-by-step tutorial.

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What is Kubernetes DaemonSet and How to Use It?

July 16, 2020

The article contains an in-depth analysis of DaemonSets and practical examples of how best to implement DaemonSets in a running Kubernetes environment.

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How to Install MongoDB on CentOS 8

July 15, 2020

MongoDB allows storing different fields in different documents, without a permanently fixed data structure. To set up MongoDB on CentOS 8, follow this step-by-step guide and install and configure the popular NoSQL database.

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How to Create Keyspace in Cassandra

July 14, 2020

Find out how to quickly create different kinds of keyspaces by following the examples in this tutorial. Once you create a keyspace, you can follow the instructions to learn how to alter or delete Cassandra keyspaces.

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How to use Linux Shutdown Command with Examples

July 5, 2020

The shutdown command is used to shut down the system immediately, schedule a shutdown, inform users of such processes, or even cancel it. LEarning how to use the shutdown command is important for any Linux user.

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APT vs APT-GET: What's the Difference?

June 25, 2020

Since Linux introduced the apt command line tool with the Ubuntu 16.04 release, many users wondered what the difference between apt and apt-get is. Learn why the apt command was created, when to use it and how it differs from the apt-get command.

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How to Install Apache Hive on Ubuntu

June 23, 2020

This tutorial shows you how to install, configure, and perform basic commands in Apache Hive. Improve your Hadoop cluster by allowing it to communicate with relational databases conveniently.

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How to Show Hidden Files in Linux

June 12, 2020

Linux stores visible and hidden files in its directories. You can display these hidden files using simple commands or the graphical user interface. Apart from showing these hidden files, this guide show you how to hide files and directories, as well as how to set a password-protection.

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Linux Kernel 5.7 Released: 12 New Features to Consider

June 3, 2020

Linux released its latest LTS kernel version, the Linux kernel 5.7. Take a look at all the new features and updates you can expect to find. Keeping your kernel up-to-date is important for system security and functionality. This guide will also show you how to upgrade to the latest kernel and try out the new features for yourself.

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