
Swappiness: What it Is, How it Works & How to Adjust

July 27, 2023

Learn about swappiness on Linux and how fine-tuning the value can improve system performance. This guide provides practical tips to adjust swappiness and the common misconceptions about the role of the value in memory optimization.

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How to Install OpenCV on Ubuntu

This article explains how to install OpenCV in Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 in 4 different ways. Use OpenCV to power your machine learning and computer vision projects.

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Ubuntu File Manager and Alternatives

July 20, 2023

The default file manager in Linux is Nautilus. However, other file managers offer additional, more advanced features. Learn about Nautilus and its alternatives in this article.

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How to Use sed Command to Delete a Line

This article explains how to use sed to delete a line in a text file. Also, find out how to use patterns and conditions to delete multiple lines of text with a single sed command.

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How to Mount Windows Share on Linux via CIFS

Introduction A Windows share is a folder on a Windows machine that can be accessed by other machines within a network. The contents can be modified or retrieved by authorized users on other machines connected to the same network. On the other hand, CIFS (Common Internet File System) is a network file-sharing protocol that allows […]

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How to Write to File in Bash

July 17, 2023

This guide shows four different methods for writing data to a file in Bash. See examples for each method and elevate your scripting skills.

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Understanding the /etc/passwd File

July 13, 2023

The etc-passwd file stores user account information essential for the login process in Unix-like operating systems.
In this article, you will learn everything about the etc-passwd file.

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How to Unzip tar.bz2 Files

Tar.bz2 files combine the archiving capabilities of tar and the BZ2 compression algorithm. Learn how to unzip tar.bz2 files and how to work with compressed archives in this guide.

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How to Fix the "python: command not found" Error

This tutorial provides multiple solutions for resolving the python: command not found error in Linux. The solutions include installing Python and editing symlinks and PATH variables.

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How to Use Shebang in Bash Scripts

The shebang line is the first line of a script that instructs the OS which interpreter to use to execute the script. This tutorial shows how to use the shebang line in Bash.

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