Bash case Statement: Syntax and Examples

Bosko Marijan
October 24, 2024


The Bash case statement is a form of the conditional if-elif-else statement. It simplifies complex conditions with multiple choices, making it more readable and easier to maintain than nested if statements.

The case statement tests input values and executes a corresponding command based on a matched pattern. It's ideal for various shell scripting tasks, such as creating menus, handling errors, or automating tasks like starting, stopping, or restarting services.

In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of the Bash case statement and how to use it in Bash scripts.

Bash case statement syntax and examples.


Bash case Statement Syntax

The Bash case statement takes the following syntax:

case $variable in

The case statement works similarly to the switch case statement in other programming languages. It starts with the case keyword followed by the $variable and the in keyword. Every pattern is followed by commands that execute if a match is found. The statement ends with the esac keyword, which is case spelled backward.


In a Bash case statement, the variable holds a value that is used to compare against defined patterns. When the case statement is executed, the script compares the input $variable against each pattern in the defined order until it finds a match. Once a match is found, the corresponding command associated with the matched pattern is executed.


In a Bash case statement, a pattern and its associated commands create a clause that must end with ;;. Patterns have specific operators and characteristics to improve their functionality:

  • Patterns support special characters to enhance matching.
  • The ) operator terminates a pattern list.
  • The | operator separates multiple patterns and enables a single command to handle several inputs.
  • The script executes the commands corresponding to the first pattern that matches the input $variable.
  • The asterisk * symbol defines the default case, usually in the final pattern in the list.

Exit Status

The script in a Bash case statement has two exit statuses:

  • 0. The return status indicates the input did not match any defined pattern.
  • Executed command status. If a command matches the input variable to a pattern, the exit status of the executed command is returned.

Note: If you are new to Bash, read our tutorial on Bash functions.

Bash case Statement Examples

The sections below show practical examples of using the Bash case statement.

Example 1: Output a Description for Each Option

The following script lets the user choose a color and shows a comment based on the input using the echo command.

Follow the steps below:

1. Open the terminal and create the script file:


2. Add the following lines to the script:

echo "Which color do you like best?"
echo "1 - Blue"
echo "2 - Red"
echo "3 - Yellow"
echo "4 - Green"
echo "5 - Orange"
read color;
case $color in
  1) echo "Blue is a primary color.";;
  2) echo "Red is a primary color.";;
  3) echo "Yellow is a primary color.";;
  4) echo "Green is a secondary color.";;
  5) echo "Orange is a secondary color.";;
  *) echo "This color is not available. Please choose a different one.";; 

Each of the lines does the following:

  • The first line (#!/bin/bash), known as the shebang, specifies the script interpreter (Bash).
  • Lines 2-7 represent the menu with options for the user.
  • The Bash read command stores the user's choice in the color variable.
  • The case statement handles every possible input. The echo command provides an appropriate response based on the choice.

3. Save the script and exit Vi with:


4. Make the script executable using chmod:

chmod +x

5. Run the script:

Bash case vi script terminal output

The script offers a menu and outputs a different message depending on the selected option. Expand the script further with different colors to add more options.

Example 2: Using Multiple Patterns

The Bash case statement allows multiple patterns in a clause. When the input variable matches any provided patterns, the script executes the commands in that clause.

This script below prompts the user to enter a month and outputs the number of days. Depending on the month, there are three possible answers:

  • 28 or 29 days for February.
  • 30 days for April, June, September, and November.
  • 31 days for January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.

Follow the steps below to create the script:

1. Create the script by running:


2. Add the following lines:

shopt -s nocasematch
echo "Enter the name of a month."
read month
case $month in
echo "There are 28/29 days in $month.";;
  April | June | September | November)
echo "There are 30 days in $month.";;
  January | March | May | July | August | October | December)
echo "There are 31 days in $month.";;
echo "Unknown month. Please check if you entered the correct month name: $month";;

In the example above:

  • The shopt -s nocasematch builtin makes matching case-insensitive, preventing capitalization errors.
  • The pipe symbol | separates the patterns in a single clause.

3. Save the script and close Vi:


4. Make the script executable:

chmod +x

5. Run the script:

vi script terminal output

The script inputs are not case-sensitive and return the correct days for the chosen month.

Example 3: for Loops

Use a for loop in case statements when there are many expressions to process. The following example returns all file types inside a directory:

1. Create the shell script:


2. Enter the following lines to the file:

for file in $(ls)
  case "$Extension" in
    sh) echo "Shell script: $file";;
    md) echo "A markdown file: $file";;
    png) echo "PNG image file: $file";;
    txt) echo "A text file: $file";;
    zip) echo "An archive: $file";;
    conf) echo "A configuration file: $file";;
    py) echo "A Python script: $file";;
    *) echo "Unknown file type: $file";;

In the example above:

  • The ls command lists all files in the current directory.
  • The for loop iterates through each file.
  • ${file##*.} extracts the file extension by removing everything up to the last dot in the filename.
  • If found, the case statement compares the extension and outputs the file type.

3. Save the file and close Vi:


4. Make the script executable:

chmod +x

5. Execute the script:

vi script terminal output

The script finds and prints the file type of each file in the current directory. Expand the script by adding new extensions or prompting the user to input the directory.

Example 4: Create an Address Book

Use the case statement to create a simple address book database and generate the requested information. The following example outputs the name, email address, and the selected person's address:

1. Create the script:


2. Add the following lines to the script:

echo "Choose a contact to display information:"
echo "[C]hris Ramsey"
echo "[J]ames Gardner"
echo "[S]arah Snyder"
echo "[R]ose Armstrong"
read person
case "$person" in
  "C" | "c" ) 
    echo "Chris Ramsey"
    echo "[email protected]"
    echo "27 Railroad Dr. Bayside, NY";;
  "J" | "j" )
    echo "James Gardner"
    echo "[email protected]"
    echo "31 Green Street, Green Cove Springs, FL";;
  "S" | "s")
    echo "Sarah Snyder"
    echo "[email protected]"
    echo "8059 N. Hartford Court, Syosset, NY";;
  "R" | "r")
    echo "Rose Armstrong"
    echo "[email protected]"
    echo "49 Woodside St., Oak Forest, IL";;
    echo "Contact doesn't exist.";;

3. Save the script and close the editor:


4. Make the script executable:

chmod +x

5. Execute the script:

vi script terminal output

The script outputs the contact details for the selected person. Selecting an option that isn't listed notifies the user that the contact doesn't exist. Add more contacts or new fields for each contact, such as a phone number or employment status.

Example 5: Check Character Type

The Linux shell enables dynamic matching, so the Bash case patterns can be flexible. The following example shows how to use the case statement to check which character type the user has entered.

Follow the steps below:

1. Create the script:


2. Add the following lines to the script file:

echo "Enter a character:"
read var
case $var in
  [[:lower:]] ) echo "You entered a lowercase character.";;
  [[:upper:]] ) echo "You entered an uppercase character.";;
  [0-9] ) echo "You entered a digit.";;
  ? ) echo "You entered a special character.";;
  * ) echo "You entered multiple characters or an empty line.";;

In the above example:

  • The control variable $var stores the input.
  • The square brackets [] denote a character range. Double square brackets [[]] are for POSIX ranges. This approach is more efficient than using if-else statements to check each character individually.
  • The ? character matches characters that aren't covered by previous conditions. It substitutes only one character.
  • The asterisk * matches all other possible inputs, including multiple characters or an empty line.

Note: Although it is possible to use [a-z] to denote a lowercase character range, uppercase characters are trapped as well on some Linux distributions.

3. Save the file and close the text editor.

4. Change permissions to make the script executable:

chmod +x

5. Execute the script:

vi script terminal output

The script outputs the character type entered after matching it against the specified conditions.

Note: Learn how to compare strings using a Bash script with our guide Bash string comparison.


This guide showed how to use the Bash case statement to simplify complex conditionals when working with multiple choices. Create different scripts to test patterns and process a command if a match is detected.

Next, see how to use Bash to read files line by line.

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