
How to Install VirtualBox on CentOS 7

September 27, 2019

This guide explains how to install VirtualBox 6.0 on CentOS 7 directly from official Oracle repositories. Get valuable insight into this open-source cross-platform virtualization software today.

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How To Install XAMPP On CentOS/RHEL 7.0

September 5, 2019

The XAMPP stack is an open-source Apache distribution of a PHP development environment consisting of cross-platform software (X): Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP and Perl (P). In this article, you will find simple instructions on how to install the XAMPP stack on CentOS 7, as well as how to verify installation and uninstall the XAMPP package.

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VMware vCloud Availability Tenant Setup Guide

August 12, 2019

VMware vCloud Availability 3.0 is a single interface for workload migration, cloud-to-cloud disaster recovery, and on-premises disaster recovery. In this tutorial, learn how to successfully complete the VCloud Availability Tenant Configuration.

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How to Install Wine 4.0 on CentOS 7

July 13, 2019

Wine is free software that allows you to run Windows applications on other systems, including Linux, Mac, Solaris, and FreeBSD.You can download this open-source software using the source code or from the EPEL repository. In this tutorial, learn how to install Wine 4.0 stable release on CentOS 7.

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How to Install Terraform on CentOS

July 2, 2019

Terraform is a tool that creates a single provisioned interface for several different cloud-based services.  Referred to as “infrastructure as code,” it uses a configuration file to manage resources. This guide will help you install Terraform on an Ubuntu 18.04 or CentOS 7 Linux system.

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How to Install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 18.04

June 10, 2019

Docker Compose is a software package that modifies the behavior of Docker. Docker creates a specific container environment for running an application. Docker Compose lets you string together multiple Docker containers to work together. This guide will help you install and work with Docker Compose.

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How to List Docker Containers

May 27, 2019

Managing containers is essential for working in Docker. This guide teaches you an important management aspect - how to list Docker containers and customize the list view according to your needs.

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​Vagrant Tutorial: Everything a Beginner Needs To Know

April 17, 2019

Vagrant is a tool for configuring and deploying an exact image of a virtual operating system. It is often used in software development to ensure that all team members are writing code for the same configuration. This helps ensure that a code fragment from one developer works when another developer runs it on their system. This guide will walk you through an overview of the process of installing, configuring, and managing Vagrant.

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How to Share Data Between Docker Containers

March 26, 2019

Docker allows users to run applications isolated from a host computer, without the necessity of having separate operating systems for them to run on. Instead, you install and manage the Docker containers with a containerization engine (Docker daemon. As you start using Docker, you will face situations where you need to know how to share data between containers. 

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How to Install Vagrant on CentOS 7

March 24, 2019

Vagrant is a software package that creates a standardized operating environment. It does this using virtualization technology. Vagrant provides a command-line tool for loading and managing virtual operating systems. These can be customized using a text file and deployed across multiple systems. We will be using the VirtualBox provider in this tutorial. This guide will walk you through installing Vagrant on CentOS 7.

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