
chmod Recursive: Change File & Directory Permissions Recursively

August 17, 2020

Setting file and directory permission properly is important in multi-user systems such as Linux. You can set permission recursively using the chmod or find command and grant privileges or restrict access in a single command.

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pfSense vs. Sophos: The Main Differences

August 6, 2020

This article is meant to assist readers in determining whether pfSense or Sophos would better fit their system's requirements. It contains a clear and brief overview of pfSense and Sophos' characteristics.

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The Difference Between sudo and su Explained

August 3, 2020

Learn when to use the su command and when to use the sudo command. While su is mostly used for account switching, sudo is utilized for executing commands that require root privileges. Find out more about SU vs. SUDO in this in-depth comparison.

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How to Secure Nginx with Let's Encrypt On Ubuntu 20.04 / 18.04

July 9, 2020

This guide shows you how to secure your Nginx with Let’s Encrypt that generates SSL/TLS certificates for your domain. In addition, you will learn how to enabled Certbot to renew certificates automatically.

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How to Install SSL Certificate on NGINX

March 25, 2020

Install an SSL Certificate on NGINX to ensure a safe connection between your web server and browser. Encrypt transmitted data over the internet so that it is only visible to the intended recipient.

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How to Create MariaDB User and Grant Privileges

March 18, 2020

Once you install MariaDB, one of the first things you need to do is to create a new MariaDB user. This article explains how to create a MariaDB user, and then how to grant privileges to the newly created user.

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6 Kubernetes Security Best Practices: Secure Your Workloads

January 23, 2020

This article presents basic security principles such as defense-in-depth and restricted privilege. Learn how to apply these principles in a distributed system such as a Kubernetes cluster.

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How to Install Hashicorp Vault on CentOS 7

December 17, 2019

If you need a management system that will store and protect your authentication and authorization data, you may want to install Vault. Apart from managing access to passwords, certificates, and APIs, Vault also provides on-demand secrets, encryption, and revocation. Follow this simple guide to install Vault on a CentOS 7 system.

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DNS Best Practices for Security and Performance

November 11, 2019

DNS management is a significant hurdle in enterprise environments. DNS infrastructure needs to be organized properly to avoid security and performance issues. By following DNS best practices, most potential problems can be evaded.

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How to Install Nmap on Ubuntu

October 7, 2019

This article will help you how to install Nmap on Ubuntu. Use Nmap to discover network vulnerabilities on remote computer networks.

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