
How to Install Sophos Intercept X Advanced for Server

August 5, 2019

If you are using the Sophos Central Admin platform to manage and secure your devices, you will want to activate Server Protection. Deploy Sophos agents on Linux and Windows servers quickly and easily, with the step-by-step help of this installation guide.

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How to Change or Reset Administrator Password on Windows Server

July 7, 2019

There may come a time when you need to change the admin password on your Windows Server. How to change your administrator password largely depends on whether you remember the old password or not. If you are routinely changing a known administrator password, you can use the user interface. However, if you're changing an unknown administrator password, you may need to use the command line interface.

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Nmap Commands - 17 Basic Commands for Linux Network

May 14, 2019

Nmap stands for Network Mapper. It is an open source tool for network exploration and security auditing. With NMAP, server administrators can easily reveal hosts and services on a computer, scan for security issues and check for open ports. The NMAP command line tool can audit and discover local and remote open ports, as well as network information and hosts. Here are some of the most useful Nmap commands with examples.

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Best Tools to Monitor Network Bandwidth on a Linux Server

May 4, 2019

There are many different tools for monitoring network traffic on a Linux server. Each option has its strengths and weaknesses. Most of the command-line utilities are designed to be lightweight, so they do not inflate bandwidth reports. Some are designed to present a basic overview, while others provide detailed data. This guide offers the best Linux network monitoring tools.

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Chown Command: Change Owner of File in Linux

April 29, 2019

The chown command changes user ownership of a file, directory, or link in Linux. Every file is associated with an owning user or group in Linux. Make sure to configure file and folder permissions properly. This tutorial will show you how to execute the Linux chown command to control who can modify file contents.

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How to Disable or Turn Off SELinux on CentOS 7

SELinux is a mandatory access control (MAC) enforcer built into the Linux kernel. It limits the privileges of individual services whose vulnerabilities might be a threat to the system. SELinux acts as a system-wide protective agent by enforcing security policies. CentOS systems without SELinux rely on the configuration of all its privileged software applications. A single misconfiguration may compromise the entire system. In this guide, you will learn how to check SELinux status and disable the service on CentOS 7.

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How to Enable SSH on Ubuntu

April 23, 2019

When establishing a remote connection between a client and a server, a primary concern is ensuring a secure connection. For Linux users, the best practice of accessing and managing your server remotely is through the cryptographic protocol known as Secure Shell (SSH). Tutorial on how to Enable, Install, and Configure SSH on Ubuntu. Enabling SSH allows you to connect remotely to your server securely.

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How to Set up & Configure ModSecurity on Apache

March 11, 2019

ModSecurity is an Open-source firewall application for Apache. Learn how to Setup & Configure ModSecurity on Apache (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS).

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Defend Against DoS & DDoS on Apache With mod_evasive

March 5, 2019

The mod_evasive tool is an Apache web services module that helps your server stay running in the event of an attack. Learn How To Protect Against DoS & DDoS with mod_evasive for Apache servers. A detailed tutorial on installing and configuring the security module to mitigate DoS attacks!

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How To Add User to Sudoers & Add User to Sudo Group on CentOS 7

December 5, 2018

This guide will walk you through the steps to create or add a sudo user on CentOS 7. The “sudo” command stands for “Super User DO,” and temporarily elevates the privileges of a regular user for administrative tasks.

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