
What Is a Database Schema?

January 11, 2024

Database schemas are a central concept in database design and modeling. Learn more about what a database schema is and how it works in this comprehensive article.

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How to Create a Postgres User

December 27, 2023

User creation and management is an important aspect of database security. Learn how to create various user types in PostgreSQL in this guide.

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How to Install MySQL on Ubuntu 22.04

December 13, 2023

MySQL is a quick and straightforward part of the LAMP stack. This tutorial teaches you how to install MySQL on Ubuntu 22.04 in five steps.

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How to Reset or Change MySQL Root Password on Linux or Windows

December 12, 2023

MySQL is a database management system. It’s operated under the Open Source software model and has become a very popular software package for web application software. Like many web services, MySQL has an administrator-level or root password. The root password allows a user to perform all top-level functions in the database.

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Check the MySQL Version on Windows

December 11, 2023

Checking the MySQL version on a system is crucial because it gives you access to the latest bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements. This article provides five ways to check the MySQL version on Windows.

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Check MySQL Version on macOS

December 7, 2023

Checking the MySQL version installed on a system is important for determining feature compatibility and securing the system. This article shows you how to check the MySQL version installed on your macOS system.

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How to Check Your PostgreSQL Version

December 4, 2023

Use this guide to check your PostgreSQL version with a few straightforward commands. You can retrieve the PostgresSQL version directly from your command line or use an effective SQL statement within the PostgreSQL shell.

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How to List All Databases in PostgreSQL

November 23, 2023

Follow this simple tutorial to learn three different ways to list all databases in PostgreSQL.

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How to Run PostgreSQL on Docker

November 20, 2023

Run PostgreSQL on Docker and set up the database service for simplified application development. This article shows you two ways to run PostgreSQL on Docker as well as how to connect to your database deployed inside the container.

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How to Build a Server

August 17, 2023

This article explains the benefits of building a server, which components to select, and how to assemble them.

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