Results for: workbench

Install and Get Started with MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu

February 24, 2022

Workbench is a visual tool for managing MySQL databases . Its graphical interface allows administrators and database architects to model data, build and run SQL queries, and maintain a database. Get a better understanding on how Workbench works, how to install the software and configure it for your needs.

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How to Install SQL Workbench for PostgreSQL

March 13, 2020

Save time and effort by managing different database systems with a single tool. Find out how to set up SQL Workbench to connect to a PostgreSQL database with four (4) easy steps. Use SQL Workbench to migrate data between your databases without the need to use several concurring interfaces.

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How to Create MySQL Database in Workbench

January 29, 2020

Workbench is a cross-platform, open-source, visual tool for database management. It provides a user-friendly GUI in which you can create and maintain databases. Learn how to create a MySQL database and table in Workbench, as well as how to add data to a table.

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How to Export MySQL Data to CSV

July 18, 2024

This article explores several highly efficient methods that allow you to export a MySQL table as a CSV file. As a CSV file, the data from your tables becomes much more accessible, both to humans and a host of other applications.

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How to Allow MySQL Remote Connections

July 4, 2024

This guide explains how to modify settings in the MySQL configuration file on the remote server and enable remote connections.

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How to Import a CSV File into a MySQL Table

June 6, 2024

The article explains how to import a CSV file into a MySQL database using the command line or phpMyAdmin. Also, find out how to exclude the header row from the CSV and speed up the importation process.

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How to Create a Table in MySQL

April 25, 2024

MySQL is a well-known, open-source database application. One of the most crucial processes in MySQL is creating tables and databases. Follow this tutorial to learn how to create a table in MySQL.

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How to Find and Kill a MySQL Process

April 5, 2024

Killing a MySQL process can help you boost the performance of your server. By running a few commands, you can identify which processes might be holding back your system and then kill individual processes or all of them.

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How to Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

March 14, 2024

PostgreSQL is an open-source, relational database management system. Follow this guide for two ways of installing PostgreSQL on Ubuntu and connecting to your database.

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How to Import and Export MySQL Database

March 11, 2024

MySQL is a versatile RDBMS that can be used for anything from simple product databases to complex WordPress website. Exporting a database puts it in a dump file that can later be imported to another system. This guide will walk you through how to export the database and import it from a dump file in MySQL.

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