
How to Deploy and Manage MongoDB with Docker

February 25, 2020

This tutorial shows you how to use Docker and an official MongoDB container image to deploy your databases. Additionally, it covers basic commands that allow you to interact with the MongoDB client effectively.

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How to Install MySQL on CentOS 8

February 17, 2020

MySQL, the most widely used relational database management system can be installed on CentOS 8 from the default AppStream repository or from the official MySQL developer's repository. This article details both options and instructs how to secure your databases.

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MySQL Docker Container Tutorial: How to Set Up & Configure

February 10, 2020

Deploying MySQL in a container is a fast and efficient solution for small and medium-size applications. Instead of setting up a separate MySQL server, you can deploy a MySQL database container instead. These containers are lightweight and fast to spin up since they share the kernel and libraries of the host while packaging the deployed application.

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How to Create MySQL Database in Workbench

January 29, 2020

Workbench is a cross-platform, open-source, visual tool for database management. It provides a user-friendly GUI in which you can create and maintain databases. Learn how to create a MySQL database and table in Workbench, as well as how to add data to a table.

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How to List All Users in a MySQL Database

November 18, 2019

This simple tutorial analyses the commands used to list all user accounts in MySQL. Learn about additional options that help you focus your search.

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How to Install ClickHouse on CentOS 7

August 23, 2019

ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented database management system. It is a fast, scalable, and efficient software to use for data analysis updated in real-time. If you are interested in getting started with the software, this article will guide you how to install and use ClickHouse on your CentOS 7 server.

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How to Install MariaDB on CentOS 7

July 14, 2019

For CentOS 7 users, MariaDB is the default database system as it replaced MySQL as the default database system. In this tutorial, learn how to install MariaDB on CentOS 7 from the local repository or official repository. The guide also shows you how to secure MariaDB and connect to the database management system from the command line.

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How to Check the MySQL Version in Linux

July 11, 2019

It is essential to know which version of MySQL you have installed. The version number helps to determine if a specific feature is available or compatible with your system. This article provides five options to check your version of MySQL in Linux Operating Systems.

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How To Install MySQL on CentOS 7

February 6, 2019

MySQL is a popular free and open source database management application. It forms part of the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), a software collection used for servers. This guide will walk you through installing MySQL on CentOS 7 from third-party software repositories.

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How to Install MySQL 8.0 in Ubuntu 18.04

December 12, 2018

MySQL is an open-source relational database server tool for Linux operating systems. It is widely used in modern web-based technology, and it forms part of the popular “LAMP” stack of software.  The LAMP stack includes the Linux operating system, Apache web services, MySQL database (or sometimes MariaDB), and the PHP programming language.

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