
How to Install MongoDB on CentOS 8

July 15, 2020

MongoDB allows storing different fields in different documents, without a permanently fixed data structure. To set up MongoDB on CentOS 8, follow this step-by-step guide and install and configure the popular NoSQL database.

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How to Install Redis on Ubuntu 20.04 / 18.04

July 7, 2020

Install Redis on Ubuntu 20.04 in a couple of simple steps by following this tutorial. This guide also shows you how to set up the basic configuration and password authentication by modifying the Redis configuration file.

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How to Create, Drop, Alter, and Truncate Tables in Cassandra

July 2, 2020

The process for creating tables in Cassandra depends on what type of information you want to query. Follow the instructions in this guide to create a table in Cassandra using different types of keys, and to learn how to alter, drop, or truncate a table.

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How to Install Apache Hive on Ubuntu

June 23, 2020

This tutorial shows you how to install, configure, and perform basic commands in Apache Hive. Improve your Hadoop cluster by allowing it to communicate with relational databases conveniently.

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What Is NoSQL Database? – NoSQL Explained

June 17, 2020

The article provides a detailed explanation of what a NoSQL databases is and how it differs from relational databases. It focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the non-relational database model using many practical examples.

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Cassandra Data Types: Built-in, Collection, & User-defined

June 10, 2020

Apache Cassandra, a NoSQL database, supports a variety of data types, including built-in, collection, and user-defined data types. This article explains how these differ from each other and help you decide when to use one over the other.

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NoSQL Database Types

NoSQL databases are an alternative to the traditional SQL databases. They are more flexible, scalable and functional for working with big data. There are different types of NoSQL databases. The most widely used types include: key-value databases, document databases, wide-column databases, and graph databases.

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How to Install Cassandra on Windows 10

June 8, 2020

This in-depth tutorial explains how to install Cassandra on Windows 10. The abundance of images in this tutorial makes installing Cassandra on Windows very easy. Besides learning how to install Cassandra on Windows the guide also shows you how to install Java 8 and Python 2.7.

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How to Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK Stack) on CentOS 8

May 6, 2020

Need to install the ELK stack to manage server log files on your CentOS 8? Follow this step-by-step guide and set up each layer of the stack - Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.

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How to Create Database & Collection in MongoDB

April 29, 2020

Create new MongoDB databases and add data collections by using the commands presented in this article. The use, insert and find commands are crucial tools that allow you to perform basic administrative tasks on your database servers.

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