
How to Enable SSH on Raspberry Pi {Linux, Mac OS, Windows}

February 12, 2020

This article shows you how to enable SSH on your Raspberry Pi using different methods. The guide also provides an essential tip on how to improve the security of your Raspberry Pi device. If you are not sure how to SSH into the device, we got that covered as well.

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How to Install Apache on CentOS 8

February 6, 2020

The Apache web server is widely used, especially as part of the LAMP stack software package. Learn how to install Apache on CentOS 8, configure firewalld, and start managing your web server with this simple updated tutorial.

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How to Install and Get started with Git on Mac

February 4, 2020

Git is a version control system that allows developers to track a project and actively contribute without interfering in each other’s work. Learn how to install Git, with four different installation approaches and get started with using the system. Configure Git and see how to track and commit changes.

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How to Install and Configure Nginx on CentOS 8

January 31, 2020

Nginx, a popular, open-source HTTP web server, is used for hosting many high-traffic websites. It is part of the LEMP stack, an alternative to the popular LAMP stack. It is faster and lighter than the traditional Apache web server. It is also a reverse proxy, mail proxy, HTTP cache, and a load balancer.

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How to Transfer Files with Rsync over SSH

Rsync is a Linux tool that allows you to transfer data over SSH to a remote server securely. Use the options for the rsync command to adapt the tool for your specific use case.

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Install Python on CentOS 8

January 20, 2020

This tutorial provides instructions on installing Python 3 and Python 2 on CentOS 8 with guidance on how to set the default version of Python.

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How to Install Java 8 & 11 on Centos 8

January 17, 2020

For running and developing applications with Java on CentOS 8, you need to set up the Java Development Kit (JDK). There are two different implementations of JDK – OpenJDK and Oracle JDK. Learn how to install Java on CentOS 8, set up the default Java version, and the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

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How to Install Docker on CentOS 8

December 27, 2019

CentOS 8 does not provide official support for Docker. This article clearly shows you how to install a fully functional version of Docker regardless.

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How to Install Hashicorp Vault on CentOS 7

December 17, 2019

If you need a management system that will store and protect your authentication and authorization data, you may want to install Vault. Apart from managing access to passwords, certificates, and APIs, Vault also provides on-demand secrets, encryption, and revocation. Follow this simple guide to install Vault on a CentOS 7 system.

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How to Install CentOS 8 (with Screenshots)

December 14, 2019

Since there is no way to upgrade from CentOS 7 to CentOS 8, users need to go through the entire installation process to try out the latest version of the popular Linux distribution. This guide shows you all the required steps to install CentOS 8 on your system.

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