
How to Use apt-get reinstall on Debian and Ubuntu

October 22, 2020

When packages are accidentally removed or modified on Debian or Ubuntu, reinstalling them usually resolves the problem. The --reinstall flag is an apt-get command shortcut for reinstalling packages using the command line.

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Ubuntu 16.04 End of Life in April 2021

October 21, 2020

Ubuntu 16.04 EOL is coming up on April, 2021. This Linux distribution will no longer be supported with updates and patches, so make sure you upgrade or mitigate your systems on time.

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Introduction to the Linux File System

A file system is a set of processes that controls how, where and when data is stored and retrieved from a storage device. This article will help you understand development process of Linux file systems, main features of the ext4 system and alternate Linux file system options.

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How to Use Disown Command in Linux

October 15, 2020

The disown command is a part of the default Unix shell. You can use it to delete jobs or keep them running after you exit the terminal window.
This tutorial goes over different ways you can use the disown command.

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How to Set or Change User Agent with curl

Change the user agent string with curl by adding the required option attribute. Change the user agent to the wanted browser to access any webpage.

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How to Delete a Git Branch Remotely and Locally

October 13, 2020

This article provides a quick overview of basic commands and processes necessary for deleting both local and remote Git branches.

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DOS to Unix: Commands and Examples

October 12, 2020

Six ways to convert a DOS to Unix file by removing the r line ending or replacing it with just line feeds. Convert DOS to Unix and vice versa with the help of this guide and learn how all the commands work by following the examples included.

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How to Use the hostname Command in Linux

October 8, 2020

The Linux hostname command lets you view your computers domain, hostname, and IP address. You can also use it to change your hostname. This tutorial covers all the ways you can use the hostname command, with examples for each option.

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How to Mount NTFS Partition in Linux

In Linux, an NTFS partition is accessed in dual-boot setups where file exchange between drives is required. This article provides a detailed explanation of the NTFS partition mounting process.

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How to Install dig on CentOS 7 and 8

October 7, 2020

The dig command is commonly used among network and system administrators. It is an important DNS tool for network troubleshooting and solving DNS problems. Learn how to install and use dig on CentOS.

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