Bare Metal Servers

How to Set Up Bare Metal Cloud Remote Access VPN

December 17, 2020

Set up remote access via VPN from your desktom/mobile device to a bare metal cloud server. Additionally, learn how to connect two BMC servers through VPN, as well as a BMC server and on-premise equipment.

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Ansible Playbook: How to Create and Configure Playbooks

Ansible is a Code as Infrastructure solution for monitoring and managing remote hosts. This is done by using Ansible playbooks.
This tutorial shows you how to create and run Ansible playbooks.

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How to Access BMC Windows Server

December 15, 2020

Learn how to establish an SSH connection to your new Bare Metal Cloud Windows server using either a key pair or username and password. Follow the requirements to use SSH successfully with your BMC instance.

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How to Create an External Table in Hive

December 9, 2020

External tables in Hive are used to access and query data stored outside of a database. Follow the steps of this tutorial to learn how to create, query and drop external tables.

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How to Set Up a Dedicated Minecraft Server on Linux

December 3, 2020

The main advantages of setting up a Minecraft server with dedicated resources are improved performance, full use of resources and bandwidth, control over mods and plugins, and better security.

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How to Format Disk Partitions in Linux

December 2, 2020

Formatting and mounting disk partitions in Linux is common because partitions cannot be used without this process. In this tutorial you will learn how to format and mount disk partitions with ext4, FAT32, or NTFS file systems.

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Ansible Playbook Dry Run: Run Playbook in "Check Mode"

November 19, 2020

This article explains how to do a dry run of an Ansible playbook by using the built-in check mode feature. Ansible is an Infrastructure as Code tool that allows you to use a single control node to monitor and manage remote servers. It allows you to manage remote servers by creating playbooks, which contain lists of tasks for the remote servers to perform.

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phoenixNAP Bare Metal Cloud Billing Models

October 30, 2020

This article talks about the available billing models for Bare Metal Cloud servers. Here, you will also learn how to view the usage reports, deploy a server from an existing reservation, and cancel the auto-renew option.

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How to Upgrade From Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04

October 22, 2020

Upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) in a couple of simple steps. This guide shows you two different ways to upgrade your Ubuntu 16.04 system - through the graphical user interface or the command line.

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Introduction to the Linux File System

October 21, 2020

A file system is a set of processes that controls how, where and when data is stored and retrieved from a storage device. This article will help you understand development process of Linux file systems, main features of the ext4 system and alternate Linux file system options.

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