DevOps and Development

How to Use the Linux sleep Command with Examples

February 3, 2021

The sleep command is used when it is necessary to postpone the execution of commands on the command line or in shell scripts. This tutorial lists ways in which you can utilize the sleep command and provides examples for each use case.

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RHEL Becomes Free for Small Production Workloads

January 28, 2021

RHEL is now free for small production workloads, up to 16 systems. Red Hat announced their newly modified no-cost RHEL program as a response to the growing dissatisfaction due to the switch to CentOS Stream.

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What Is Git Upstream And How To Set Upstream Branch

January 18, 2021

In order to properly track your changes and push them to Git, you need to set a remote upstream branch. Learn about upstream branches and how to set them in this tutorial.

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List of kubectl Commands with Examples (+kubectl Cheat Sheet)

December 24, 2020

The Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, allows you to control Kubernetes by carrying out HTTP requests to the Kubernetes API. This reference guide provides a list of the most common kubectl commands, along with a handy, downloadable cheat sheet.

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Ansible: Check if a File Exists

Ansible allows you to use a single control node to run a variety of tasks on remote hosts, including checking if specific files and folders exist. Learn how in this tutorial.

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How to Add, Update or Remove Helm Repositories

December 21, 2020

Helm is Kubernetes' equivalent to apt and yum. It is a package manager used for deploying applications, which are packaged as charts. This article explains how to add, update, and remove Helm chart repositories.

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Ansible Playbook: How to Create and Configure Playbooks

December 17, 2020

Ansible is a Code as Infrastructure solution for monitoring and managing remote hosts. This is done by using Ansible playbooks.
This tutorial shows you how to create and run Ansible playbooks.

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How to Install Helm on Ubuntu, Mac and Windows

December 10, 2020

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies deployment process. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to install Helm on Ubuntu, Mac and Windows.

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CentOS 8 Early EOL in 2021 and CentOS Stream

CentOS 8 was released in 2019 and brought promising features to the popular Linux distro. Although it had an EOL scheduled for 2029, it was cut short with RHEL ending support of CentOS 8 in December 2021. Learn more about the sudden change and what to expect in the future.

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How to do Canary Deployments on Kubernetes

December 1, 2020

A canary deployment is used to test out new features and upgrades, to see how they handle the production environment. You can monitor the canary behavior to make sure it can handle the needed requests. Once you are happy with the way it is handling requests, you can upgrade all the deployments to the newest version.

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