Cloud Backup for:  Standard  |  Advanced  |  Veeam Backup |  Veeam Replication

Your business relies on critical data to serve all facets of operations. With the prevalence and high cost of data loss, implementing a backup and recovery solution is top priority. phoenixNAP now offers affordable cloud backup services that are designed to provide right-sized options that safeguard your business against costly failures.

Managed Cloud Backup Services for Your Business:

Not sure which option is best for you? Let us help.

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Our Standard solution allows your business to back up your critical environments. This option includes unlimited licenses, the ability to set custom recovery points and retention periods, and more.


In addition to Standard features, our Advanced solution includes priority support, encryption, replication and more. If your business is looking for a managed backup and recovery option, our Advanced solution is ideal.

Veeam Cloud Service Provider Platinum

Veeam® Backup

Back up data to offsite cloud repositories via Veeam Availability Suite™ v8 software.

Veeam Replication

Leverage disaster recovery-types of data replication via Veeam Availability Suite v9 software.

Compare our cloud backup services
and see which solution is right for your business.