phoenixNAP IT Glossary


What Is Cloud as a Service (CaaS)?
What Is Cloud Elasticity?
What Is ClickOps?
CPU Definition - What Is CPU?
What Is Common Gateway Interface?
What Is Cloud Waste?
What Is cPanel?
What Is a CDN (Content Delivery Network)?
What Is Canary Deployment?
What Is a Cloud Provider?
What Is a Compiler?
What Is Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)?
What Is a Chief Information Officer (CIO)?
What Is a CIRT (Cyber Incident Response Team)?
What Is Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)?
What Is a Cybercriminal?
What Is a Cache Server?
What Is Cloud Email?
What Is a Checksum?
What Is a Client-Server Model?
What Is Commodity Hardware?
What Is a Config File?
What Is CMS (Content Management System)?
What Is Cloud Hypervisor?
What Is a Codebase?
What Is Ceph?
What Is a Computer Rack or Server Rack?
What Is Cloud Provisioning?
What Is Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)?
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) Explained
What Is a Cloud Application?
What Is Copy-on-Write (CoW)
What Is CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)?
What Is Control Language (CL)?
What Is Configuration Management?
What Is Code Folding?
What Is Cloud ROI?
What Is Command Prompt?
What Is Ciphertext?
What Is Cyber Espionage?
What Is Cloud Scalability?
What Is Cloud TCO?
What Is Cloud Orchestration?
What Is a Cloud Desktop?
What Is Cloud Economics?
What Is a Cyber Incident?
What Is Command-Line Interface (CLI)?
Cloud Terminology Glossary: 40 Cloud Terms
What Is CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)?
What Is Cryptojacking?
What Is a Conditional Statement in Programming?
What Is Command and Control Server (C&C Server)?
What Is Computer Vision?
C vs C++
What Is C Programming Language?
What Is C++ Programming Language?
What Is a Control Panel?
What Is CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)?
What Is a Cipher?
What Is Cloud Foundry?
What Is Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)?
What Is CapEx (Capital Expenditure)?
What Is Container as a Service?
What Is a Cloud Instance?
What Is a Certificate Authority (CA)?
What Is a Captive Portal?
What Is Cloud Sprawl?
What Is Converged Infrastructure?
What Is Continuous Deployment?
What Is Cache?
What Is Cyberspace?
What Is Code on Demand?
What Is a Cloud Server?
CSS Definition
What Is a Chat Server?
What is CPU Bound?
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