What Is Cloud Hypervisor?

April 22, 2024

A cloud hypervisor serves as an intermediary between hardware and virtual environments, enabling the creation and management of virtual machines (VMs).

what is cloud hypervisor

What Is a Cloud Hypervisor?

A cloud hypervisor, or virtual machine monitor (VMM), enables virtualization in cloud computing environments. It mediates between the physical server hardware and the virtual machines it hosts. This role is critical for managing VM operations, resource distribution, and isolation, allowing each to operate independently on the same hardware. Cloud hypervisors come in two main types:

  • Type 1 hypervisors. Also known as โ€œbare-metalโ€ hypervisors, these are installed directly on the host machineโ€™s hardware. They provide direct hardware access without an underlying operating system. Popular examples include VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Xen, which are widely used in enterprise environments that require efficient resource utilization and robust security.
  • Type 2 hypervisors. This hypervisor type runs on top of an existing operating system and is known for its ease of use and flexibility. However, it is less efficient than a Type 1 hypervisor due to the additional OS layer it must operate through. VMware Workstation and Oracle VirtualBox are popular Type 2 hypervisors, often used for software development and educational purposes where setup simplicity and flexibility are prioritized over raw performance.

How Does a Cloud Hypervisor Work?

The operational model of a cloud hypervisor can be understood through a detailed look at its primary functions:

  • Resource allocation. A cloud hypervisor dynamically distributes the physical serverโ€™s computing resourcesโ€”CPU cycles, memory, and storageโ€”among the VMs. It uses predefined policies to manage resource allocation, ensuring that each VM receives the necessary resources to perform optimally without infringing on the resources of others. This process involves prioritizing VMs based on their current load and operational importance, balancing workload demands with available resources.
  • Isolation mechanisms. This fundamental feature of hypervisors prevents processes running on one VM from affecting those on another, whether inadvertently or maliciously. Isolation applies to all aspects of a VMโ€™s operation, including CPU usage, memory access, and network traffic. Thanks to this process, the impact of system failure or security breach is contained within the affected VM, preventing wider disruption.
  • Encapsulation and mobility. Hypervisors encapsulate entire VMs into discrete sets of files that can include the virtual hard disk, configuration, and state files. This encapsulation makes VMs highly portable, allowing them to be easily transferred or copied between servers. This feature is particularly valuable for disaster recovery and load balancing, as it enables rapid migration of VMs between hosts in response to hardware failures or performance bottlenecks without downtime.
  • Hardware abstraction. Hypervisors abstract the underlying physical hardware to create a consistent and standardized virtual hardware environment for VMs. This abstraction layer allows VMs to operate irrespective of the specific physical hardware components, making running them across different hardware platforms easier. Hardware abstraction also simplifies deployment and operational processes and enhances compatibility and flexibility, as VMs can be moved freely between servers with differing hardware configurations.

Why Are Cloud Hypervisors Important?

Cloud hypervisors serve several vital roles in IT infrastructure management.

Economic Efficiency

Hypervisors significantly reduce the total cost of ownership for IT resources. By virtualizing servers and allowing multiple virtual machines to operate on a single physical server, businesses can drastically decrease the need for physical hardware.

Server consolidation leads to lower capital expenses as fewer machines are required to achieve the same computing power. Additionally, operating fewer servers reduces energy consumption and the physical space needed in data centers, further cutting operational costs.

Operational Flexibility

Cloud hypervisors enable the rapid provisioning, scaling, and management of VMs, allowing businesses to adjust more quickly to changing needs. This flexibility facilitates dynamic load balancingโ€”reallocating resources among VMs based on demand and ensuring optimal performance across the infrastructure.

Cloud hypervisors also simplify the deployment and testing of new applications, as new environments can be created quickly without the need for new hardware.

Enhanced Security and Compliance

Isolation, a fundamental feature of hypervisors, is key to enhancing security and compliance. Each VM is isolated from others, meaning a compromise or failure in one VM does not affect the rest. This isolation helps maintain a strong security posture for protecting sensitive data and critical applications.

Moreover, hypervisors can enforce security policies at the VM level, which supports compliance with regulations regarding data protection, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Hypervisors contribute significantly to business continuity and disaster recovery. Their ability to quickly migrate VMs from one server to another or between data centers supports high availability and fault tolerance. In the event of hardware failure, VMs can be moved seamlessly to functioning servers, minimizing downtime and service interruptions.

Furthermore, the encapsulation of VMs facilitates regular backups and quick restorations, which are essential for recovering from data loss incidents or disasters.

How to Choose a Cloud Hypervisor?

Selecting a cloud hypervisor involves a detailed analysis of organizational needs and potential solutions.

Performance Specifications

Evaluating the performance characteristics of each hypervisor is crucial. This assessment includes determining how well a hypervisor can manage intensive workloads, which is particularly important in high-demand environments.

Key performance metrics are the hypervisorโ€™s impact on system latency and throughput. Latency measures the time it takes for a packet of data to get from one designated point to another, while throughput is the amount of data that can be processed over a set period. A hypervisor should efficiently balance workload demands with minimal impact on these performance metrics, ensuring that virtualized applications run smoothly and responsively.

Security Capabilities

A hypervisor provides isolation between VMs, which can prevent data leaks and other security breaches between organizational units. Additionally, the hypervisor's ability to implement advanced cybersecurity policies, standards, and practices ensures that it can safeguard sensitive data against emerging threats.

Furthermore, it is essential to select a hypervisor that integrates well with existing protocols and enhances the organization's overall security posture.

Scalability and Flexibility

A hypervisor must be able to scale resources up or down based on the organizationโ€™s growth and changing needs. Assessing how well a hypervisor can scale involves looking at its capacity to add or reduce resources without disrupting existing operations.

Another critical aspect is flexibility, which refers to the hypervisorโ€™s ability to adapt to new technologies and business requirements, such as integrating with new storage solutions or networking configurations.

Ecosystem and Integration

The surrounding ecosystem of a hypervisor includes a range of compatible third-party tools and services, such as management software, automation tools, and development kits. A rich ecosystem can significantly enhance a hypervisorโ€™s functionality and simplify administrative tasks.

Additionally, compatibility with the existing infrastructure and ease of integration with other platforms are essential for a seamless operation and minimize the need for extensive reconfigurations or custom solutions.

Support and Community

Vendor support is a significant consideration when choosing a hypervisor. This includes the availability of technical support, training materials and programs, and the comprehensiveness of documentation.

An active community of users also provides invaluable resources, such as advice, plugins, scripts, and troubleshooting tips, which enhance the user experience and resolve potential issues more quickly.

Licensing and Total Cost of Ownership

The financial aspects of adopting a new hypervisor must be considered. Analyze all costs associated with licensing, ongoing support, and any necessary training for IT staff. Also consider the potential costs of infrastructure upgrades that may be required to support the new system. Understanding the total cost of ownership helps make an economically sound decision that aligns with the organizationโ€™s budget and financial constraints.

Nikola is a seasoned writer with a passion for all things high-tech. After earning a degree in journalism and political science, he worked in the telecommunication and online banking industries. Currently writing for phoenixNAP, he specializes in breaking down complex issues about the digital economy, E-commerce, and information technology.