What Is Canary Deployment?

July 25, 2024

Canary deployment is a software release strategy where a new version is gradually rolled out to a small subset of users before a full deployment. This method allows teams to test and monitor the new version's performance and stability, ensuring that any issues can be identified and resolved before it impacts the entire user base.

what is canary deployment

What Is Canary Deployment?

Canary deployment is a software release strategy in which a new version of an application or service is incrementally introduced to a small, controlled subset of users before being made available to the entire user base. This approach allows developers and operations teams to closely monitor the new version’s performance, stability, and user feedback in a real-world environment. By doing so, they can quickly identify and address any issues or bugs that may arise, reducing the risk of widespread disruptions.

The term "canary" is derived from the historical practice of using canaries in coal mines to detect toxic gases, as these birds would show signs of distress in the presence of danger, thereby providing an early warning. Similarly, in canary deployment, the initial small group of users acts as an early warning system, providing valuable insights and feedback that help ensure the new version is robust and reliable before its full-scale release.

A canary deployment strategy enhances the overall quality of software releases and improves user satisfaction by preventing major issues from affecting the broader user population.

How Do Canary Deployments Work?

Canary deployments work by incrementally releasing a new version of software to a small segment of users, allowing for careful monitoring and gradual rollout. The process begins with the deployment of the new version to a small, randomly selected group of users, known as the canary group. This initial group is typically a small percentage of the total user base.

During this phase, performance metrics, error rates, and user feedback are closely monitored to detect any issues or anomalies. Automated tools and dashboards are often used to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and ensure the new version operates as expected.

If the new version performs well and no significant issues are detected, the deployment is gradually expanded to a larger group of users. This phased approach continues until the new version is fully deployed to all users. If any issues are identified at any stage, the deployment can be halted or rolled back to the previous stable version, limiting the impact on users.

This method reduces the risk of widespread disruptions, allows for early detection of potential problems, and provides an opportunity to make necessary adjustments before a full-scale release. By leveraging canary deployments, organizations ensure a smoother and more reliable software update process, enhancing overall user satisfaction and system stability.

Canary Deployment Example

canary deployment example

Imagine a popular ecommerce platform planning to release a new feature that enhances the search functionality. The company decides to use a canary deployment strategy to minimize risk and ensure the new feature works as intended.

First, the development team selects 5% of the user base to receive the new search functionality. These users are randomly chosen to represent a diverse sample of the overall user population. The new feature is deployed only to this small group.

Once the deployment is complete, the team closely monitors several key metrics, such as search performance, user engagement, error rates, and any feedback provided by the users in the canary group. They use automated monitoring tools to detect any performance issues or bugs that might not have been caught during internal testing.

If the new search functionality performs well and no significant issues are detected over a predefined period, the deployment is expanded to 20% of the user base. The monitoring continues, and the team remains vigilant for any signs of trouble.

Assuming the deployment to the 20% group is also successful, the team then proceeds to roll out the new search functionality to the remaining 80% of users. Throughout the process, if any critical issues are identified, the team can quickly roll back the changes for the affected users, addressing the problem before attempting another deployment.

By using a canary deployment strategy, the ecommerce platform ensures that the new search functionality is robust and reliable, minimizing the risk of widespread disruptions and improving the overall user experience.

Canary Deployments and Kubernetes

Canary deployments in Kubernetes leverage its robust orchestration capabilities to facilitate incremental software releases. By utilizing Kubernetes' native features such as deployments, services, and ingress controllers, teams can seamlessly direct a small percentage of user traffic to the new version of an application while the majority continues to use the stable version.

Kubernetes' automated scaling, health checks, and monitoring tools enable real-time performance tracking and rapid identification of any issues during the canary phase. This integration ensures a smooth and efficient rollout process, reducing the risk of widespread failures and enhancing the overall reliability and resilience of the software deployment.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Canary Deployments

This section explores the benefits and drawbacks of canary deployments. While this deployment strategy offers significant advantages in minimizing risk and improving software quality, it also comes with certain challenges and limitations. Understanding both sides can help organizations make informed decisions about when and how to implement canary deployments effectively.


Canary deployments offer a strategic approach to releasing new software versions, balancing innovation with stability. Below are the key benefits of this method:

  • Reduced risk of failures. By gradually rolling out changes to a small subset of users, canary deployments limit the exposure of potential bugs or issues. This containment prevents widespread disruptions and allows teams to address problems before they affect the entire user base.
  • Early detection of issues. The initial canary group acts as an early warning system, helping to identify performance bottlenecks, compatibility issues, or user experience problems early in the release process.
  • Improved user experience. Since issues are identified and resolved before full deployment, the overall user experience remains consistent and reliable.
  • Data-driven decision making. Monitoring tools and analytics provide valuable insights into how the new version performs in a real-world environment. Data-driven feedback helps teams make informed decisions about further rollouts or necessary adjustments.
  • Flexible rollback options. If critical issues are detected during the canary phase, teams can quickly roll back to the previous stable version for the affected users. This flexibility minimizes downtime and ensures continuity of service.
  • Controlled performance testing. Canary deployments allow teams to test new features and performance improvements under actual user conditions without risking the entire system's stability. This controlled testing environment provides a more accurate assessment of the new version's impact.


While canary deployments offer numerous benefits, they also present some drawbacks that impact the effectiveness and efficiency of the deployment process:

  • Complexity. Implementing canary deployments requires a sophisticated infrastructure and advanced automation tools. Managing multiple versions of the application simultaneously and directing user traffic appropriately adds significant complexity to the deployment process.
  • Monitoring and analysis. Effective canary deployments depend on rigorous monitoring and analysis of performance metrics and user feedback. This demands comprehensive monitoring systems and skilled personnel to interpret the data and make informed decisions.
  • Rollback difficulties. Rolling back a canary deployment can be challenging, especially if issues are discovered after the deployment has been expanded to a larger user base. Coordinating a rollback while minimizing user disruption requires careful planning and execution.
  • User experience inconsistency. During a canary deployment, different users may experience different versions of the application, leading to inconsistencies in user experience. This can be confusing for users, particularly if they switch between versions during their interactions with the application.
  • Limited testing scope. Although canary deployments expose the new version to real users, the initial user group may not represent all possible usage patterns and environments. This can result in some issues only surfacing after the full deployment, despite a successful canary phase.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.