What Is Application Migration?

July 18, 2024

Application migration involves moving software applications from one computing environment to another. This process includes transferring applications between data centers, from on-premises to cloud environments, or between different cloud platforms.

what is application migration

What Is Application Migration?

Application migration is the process of transferring software applications from one computing environment to another, which can involve moving applications between different data centers, from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based environments, or between various cloud platforms. This process aims to enhance the performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency of the applications. It encompasses a series of steps including assessing the compatibility of the applications with the new environment, redesigning or reconfiguring applications as needed, transferring data securely, and minimizing downtime to ensure business continuity.

Application migration also involves rigorous testing to ensure that the applications function correctly in the new environment and that data integrity and security are maintained throughout the transition. It often requires collaboration between various stakeholders, including IT teams, application developers, and business managers, to align the migration with strategic objectives and operational requirements.

Common Types of Application Migrations

Application migration can take several forms, each suited to different needs and goals. Here are the common types of application migrations:

  • Rehosting (lift and shift). Rehosting involves moving applications to a new environment without making significant changes to their architecture. This approach is quick and straightforward, ideal for legacy systems that need to be migrated to the cloud with minimal modifications. However, it may not fully leverage the benefits of the new environment.
  • Replatforming (lift, tinker, and shift). Replatforming includes making a few optimizations to leverage the benefits of the new platform without altering the core architecture of the applications. This might involve switching databases or operating systems to improve performance and scalability while maintaining the overall structure of the application.
  • Refactoring (re-architecting). Refactoring involves significant changes to the application code to take full advantage of the new environment, such as using cloud-native features and services. This method enhances scalability, performance, and agility but requires substantial time and resources.
  • Repurchasing (drop and shop). Repurchasing means replacing the existing application with a new one, often a cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) solution. This approach simplifies the migration process and provides modern functionality but may involve data migration challenges and a learning curve for users.
  • Retiring. Retiring involves decommissioning outdated or redundant applications that are no longer needed. This strategy reduces complexity and frees up resources for more critical applications, often identified through a thorough assessment of the application portfolio.
  • Retaining (revisit). Retaining involves keeping certain applications in their current environment due to various reasons, such as compliance requirements, technical limitations, or cost considerations. These applications may be revisited later for potential migration.

Application Migration Steps

Application migration involves several critical steps to ensure a smooth and efficient transition of applications from one environment to another. These steps help mitigate risks, maintain data integrity, and ensure minimal disruption to business operations:

  1. Assessment and planning. Evaluate the current application environment, including dependencies, performance metrics, and compatibility with the target environment. Develop a detailed migration plan outlining objectives, timelines, resources, and potential risks. This step includes identifying which applications to migrate, the order of migration, and any necessary modifications.
  2. Proof of concept (PoC). Conduct a PoC to test the migration process, identify potential issues and refine the migration strategy before executing it on a larger scale.
  3. Application redesign or refactoring. Modify the application code or architecture to ensure compatibility with the new environment. This might involve rehosting, replatforming, or refactoring the application to leverage new capabilities offered by the target environment.
  4. Data migration. Transferring data from the current environment to the new one involves data extraction, loading, and transformation (ELT) processes to ensure data integrity and consistency. It also includes post-migration data validation.
  5. Environment setup. Configure the new environment to meet the requirements of the migrated applications, set up the necessary infrastructure, install the required software, and configure network settings.
  6. Testing. Perform comprehensive testing to ensure that applications function correctly in the new environment. Functional testing, performance testing, and security testing will identify and resolve any issues.
  7. Migration execution. Execute the migration plan, transferring applications and data to the new environment.
  8. Validation and optimization. Validate that the applications are running as expected in the new environment. Monitor performance, resolve any post-migration issues, and optimize configurations for better efficiency and performance.
  9. Cutover and go-live. Switch over from the old environment to the new one and make the migrated applications live. This step involves final checks, user acceptance testing, and ensuring that all systems are operational.
  10. Post-migration support. Provide support and maintenance post-migration to address any issues that arise, ensure the stability of the new environment, and make further optimizations as needed.

Application Migration Best Practices

Successful application migration requires careful planning and execution. By following best practices, organizations minimize risks and ensure a smooth transition. Here are some key best practices for application migration.

Comprehensive Assessment

Conduct a thorough assessment of the current environment, including hardware, software, and network infrastructure. Identify dependencies, performance requirements, and potential compatibility issues to develop a clear migration strategy.

Strategic Planning

Develop a detailed migration plan that includes timelines, resource allocation, risk management, and fallback procedures. Define clear objectives and metrics to measure the success of the migration.

Data Integrity and Security

Ensure that data integrity and security are maintained throughout the migration process. Use encryption, secure transfer protocols, and robust access controls to protect sensitive information.

Minimal Downtime

Plan the migration to minimize downtime and disruption to business operations. This might involve migrating during off-peak hours, using phased or hybrid approaches, and having contingency plans in place.

Testing and Validation

Thoroughly test applications in the new environment before completing the migration. Perform functional testing, performance testing, and security testing to ensure that applications run smoothly and meet all requirements.

Stakeholder Communication

Maintain clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders, including IT teams, application developers, and business managers. Ensure everyone is informed about the migration plan, progress, and any issues that arise.

Training and Support

Provide training and support for end-users and IT staff to familiarize them with the new environment. This helps to reduce resistance to change and ensures that any issues can be promptly addressed.

Monitoring and Optimization

After the migration, continuously monitor the applications and infrastructure to identify and resolve any performance issues. Optimize the environment to achieve the desired performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency.


Document the entire migration process, including the steps taken, issues encountered, and solutions implemented. This serves as a valuable resource for future migrations and helps maintain compliance with regulation.

Application Migration Benefits and Challenges

Application migration offers various benefits and presents certain challenges that organizations must navigate. Balancing these benefits and challenges is crucial for a successful migration.


Application migration offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance an organization's operational efficiency and business outcomes. Below are the key benefits of application migration:

  • Improved performance. Migrating applications to environments with better resources or more advanced infrastructure leads to faster processing times, reduced latency, and overall enhanced performance.
  • Scalability. Cloud-based environments offer scalable resources that can be adjusted based on demand, allowing organizations to easily scale applications up or down without significant capital expenditure.
  • Cost efficiency. By migrating to cloud platforms, companies can reduce or eliminate the costs associated with maintaining physical hardware. Pay-as-you-go pricing models allow for better budget management and cost control.
  • Enhanced security. Migrating applications can improve the overall security posture of an organization. Modern cloud providers offer robust security measures, including advanced encryption, access controls, and regular security updates.
  • Disaster recovery and backup. Cloud environments typically provide built-in disaster recovery and backup solutions, ensuring data is protected and can be quickly restored in case of any disruptions or data loss.
  • Access to advanced technologies. Migrating applications to modern environments, especially cloud platforms, provides access to cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics.
  • Flexibility and agility. Application migration leads to greater flexibility, allowing organizations to quickly adapt to market changes, deploy new features, and respond to customer needs more rapidly.
  • Improved collaboration. Cloud-based applications enable better collaboration by providing accessible and centralized platforms where team members can work together in real time, regardless of their physical location.
  • Regulatory compliance. Cloud providers make efforts to comply with industry standards and regulations, which can help organizations meet their compliance requirements more easily.
  • Environmental sustainability. Migrating to energy-efficient cloud data centers reduces the carbon footprint of an organization, contributing to environmental sustainability efforts.


Application migration presents several challenges that organizations must navigate to ensure a successful transition. These challenges often stem from the complexities of changing environments and the need to maintain operational continuity.

  • Compatibility issues. Applications designed for one environment may not function correctly in another. Because of this, application migration can require significant modifications or even complete redevelopment to ensure compatibility with new systems.
  • Data integrity and security. Ensuring that data remains intact and secure during migration is critical. It is necessary to implement robust encryption, secure transfer protocols, and verification processes to prevent data loss or data breaches.
  • Downtime and business continuity. Minimizing downtime during migration is crucial to avoid disrupting business operations. Detailed planning and testing are required to ensure that critical applications remain available and functional throughout the migration process.
  • Cost management. Migration can be expensive, with costs arising from new infrastructure, potential application redevelopment, and additional manpower. Accurate budgeting and cost management strategies are essential to keep the migration within financial constraints.
  • Resource allocation. Adequate resources, including skilled personnel and technical infrastructure, must be allocated to handle the migration. This often involves balancing day-to-day operations with the demands of the migration project.
  • Performance optimization. Post-migration, applications may need tuning to perform optimally in the new environment. They should be monitoring and adjusted on an ongoing basis to achieve the desired performance levels.
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements. Migrating applications, especially those handling sensitive data, must adhere to various regulatory and compliance standards. Ensuring compliance throughout the migration process can be challenging and requires thorough knowledge of relevant regulations.
  • Stakeholder communication. Effective communication with all stakeholders, including IT teams, business units, and external partners, is essential. Clear communication helps in setting expectations, managing concerns, and ensuring collaborative effort throughout the migration.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.