What Is a Java Applet?

July 11, 2024

A Java Applet is a small application designed to run within a web browser or an applet viewer, utilizing the Java programming language. Introduced as part of the Java Development Kit (JDK) in the mid-1990s, applets were a popular way to create interactive features and dynamic content for web pages.

what is java applet

What Is a Java Applet?

A Java Applet is a small, client-side application written in the Java programming language, designed to run within a web browser or an applet viewer. Introduced as part of the Java Development Kit (JDK) in the mid-1990s, applets offered a way to create interactive features and dynamic content for web pages. Unlike standalone Java applications, applets were typically embedded in HTML pages and executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the user's local machine, providing a level of platform independence.

Java Applets operated within a secure environment known as the "sandbox," which restricted their access to the local file system and network resources to prevent malicious activities. This security model was essential because applets were downloaded and executed on the client side, often without explicit user permission.

Historically, applets could perform a variety of tasks, such as displaying graphics, playing media, or creating interactive user interfaces, making them suitable for applications like online games, educational tools, and interactive simulations. However, as of today, Java applets are largely obsolete and are no longer supported by most modern web browsers.

What Were Applets Used For?

Java Applets were historically used for a variety of purposes, leveraging their ability to provide interactive and dynamic content within web pages. Some common uses of applets included:

  • Interactive graphics and animations. Applets were often used to create animations and interactive graphics on web pages, allowing users to engage with visual content directly within their browsers.
  • Educational tools. Many educational websites employ applets to create interactive simulations and visualizations, helping students understand complex concepts through hands-on experimentation and visualization.
  • Online games. Applets provided a platform for developing and playing games directly in web browsers without the need for additional plugins or software installations.
  • Data visualization. Applets were used to display real-time data visualizations, such as charts and graphs, making it easier to present and analyze information dynamically.
  • Media players. Some websites utilized applets to embed media players for audio and video playback, offering multimedia content directly within the browser.
  • Form validation. Applets were used for client-side form validation, ensuring that user input met specific criteria before submission, thus reducing server load and improving user experience.
  • Financial applications. Online banking and trading platforms use applets to provide secure, interactive interfaces for users to manage their accounts and perform transactions.
  • Scientific simulations. Researchers and scientists employed applets to create simulations of scientific phenomena, allowing users to manipulate variables and observe outcomes in real-time.

Java Applet Lifecycle and Lifecycle Methods

The Java Applet lifecycle consists of several stages, each represented by a specific method in the Applet class. These lifecycle methods are called automatically by the browser or applet viewer at different points in the applet's execution. The primary lifecycle methods are init(), start(), stop(), and destroy(). Additionally, paint(Graphics g) is often considered part of the lifecycle for handling rendering. Here's a detailed explanation of each stage and method:


The init() method is the first method called when an applet is loaded. It is used to perform any initialization required for the applet, such as setting up user interface components, loading resources, or setting initial values. This method is called only once during the applet's lifetime.


The start() method is called after init(), and it is called each time the applet is started or restarted, such as when the user revisits the page containing the applet. This method is typically used to start or resume any actions or animations that the applet performs while it is running. Unlike init(), start() can be called multiple times during the applet's lifetime.

paint(Graphics g)

The paint(Graphics g) method is called whenever the applet needs to redraw its output. This can happen when the applet is first displayed, when it is resized, or when it is exposed after being hidden by other windows. The Graphics object g is passed to the method, which is used to draw graphics on the applet's display area. This method is essential for rendering the applet's visual components.


The stop() method is called when the applet is stopped, such as when the user navigates away from the page containing the applet or when the applet's tab is minimized. This method is used to suspend any ongoing activities, such as animations or background tasks, to conserve resources. Like start(), the stop() method can be called multiple times during the applet's lifetime.


The destroy() method is the final method called when an applet is removed from memory. It is called only once, just before the applet is unloaded. This method releases any resources allocated during the applet's execution, such as memory or file handles, ensuring a clean shutdown.

Java Applet Types

Java applets can be classified into two main types based on their functionality and interaction with the user: local applets and remote applets. Here's an explanation of both.

Local Applets

Local applets are those that are stored on the same machine as the web browser. They were typically developed and tested locally before being uploaded to a web server. Since they did not need to be downloaded from a remote server, local applets could be loaded and executed more quickly during development and testing phases. Local applets are often used for:

  • Development and testing. Developers used local applets to test their code and debug issues before deploying the applet to a remote server.
  • Intranet applications. In some cases, local applets were used within an organization’s intranet where they could be accessed and run from local servers.

Remote Applets

Remote applets were stored on a remote web server and downloaded and executed by the user's web browser when they visited a web page containing the applet. These applets were typically embedded in HTML pages and were accessed over the internet. Remote applets were more common in real-world applications and were used for:

  • Interactive web applications. Remote applets created interactive features on websites, such as games, simulations, or interactive forms.
  • Educational tools. Educational websites used remote applets to provide interactive learning modules and simulations that users could access from anywhere.
  • Financial services. Online banking and trading platforms used remote applets to offer secure, interactive interfaces for financial transactions and data visualization.
  • Multimedia content. Websites used remote applets to embed multimedia content, such as audio and video players, directly into web pages.

Java Applet Advantages and Disadvantages

Java Applets, once a popular choice for adding dynamic and interactive content to web pages, come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can provide insights into why they were widely used in the past and why their usage has declined in recent years.


Java Applets offered several benefits, particularly in the context of web-based applications and interactive content. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Platform independence. One of the primary benefits of Java Applets was their platform independence. Since applets ran within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), they could be executed on any operating system that had a compatible JVM installed. This allowed developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms without modification.
  • Enhanced interactivity. Java Applets enabled the creation of interactive web applications that can respond to user input in real time. This interactivity was beneficial for applications such as online games, simulations, and educational tools, where immediate feedback and dynamic content were essential.
  • Rich graphics and multimedia. Applets supported rich graphics and multimedia content, allowing developers to create visually engaging applications. With Java’s robust graphics libraries, applets could display complex images, animations, and even integrate audio and video components.
  • Security. Java Applets operated within a secure environment called the "sandbox," which restricted their access to the local system. This security model helped protect users from potentially harmful code by limiting the applet’s ability to perform sensitive operations, such as accessing the file system or network resources.
  • Ease of integration. Applets could be easily embedded in HTML pages using simple tags, making integrating them into existing web pages straightforward. This seamless integration allows for web content enhancement without significant changes to the underlying HTML structure.
  • Resource efficiency. Since applets are small, they typically require fewer resources compared to full-fledged applications. This efficiency made them suitable for applications where quick loading times and minimal resource usage were important.
  • Consistent user experience. With applets, developers could ensure a consistent user experience across different platforms and browsers. The Java runtime environment provided a standardized platform for applet execution, reducing the variability in how the applet behaved on different systems.
  • Reusability. Code written for Java Applets could often be reused in other Java applications, promoting code reusability and reducing development time. This benefit was particularly useful for developers who worked on multiple Java-based projects.


Java Applets, while innovative at their inception, have several significant downsides that have contributed to their decline in popularity. Here are some key disadvantages:

  • Security concerns. Java Applets have faced numerous security issues over the years, making them vulnerable to attacks. Because applets run on the client's machine, any security loophole can be exploited to compromise the user's system. This has led to a lack of trust and many browsers disabling applet support by default.
  • Browser compatibility. Different web browsers handle applets in varied ways, leading to compatibility issues. As browser technology evolved, many browsers phased out support for Java Applets entirely, creating inconsistency in user experience.
  • Performance issues. Java Applets can be resource-intensive, causing slower performance and longer load times, especially for complex applications. This can lead to a suboptimal user experience, particularly on devices with limited processing power.
  • Mobile incompatibility. Applets are not compatible with mobile browsers, which is a significant drawback given the prevalence of mobile device usage.
  • Complex deployment. Deploying Java Applets requires specific configurations both on the server and client sides, including ensuring that the correct version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed. This can be cumbersome and prone to issues, leading to additional maintenance overhead.
  • Limited functionality. Java Applets run a sandbox, which limits their ability to interact with the local system. While this is good for security, it restricts the applet's functionality, making it unsuitable for applications that require more extensive system access.
  • Declining support and adoption. With the advent of modern web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, which provide similar or superior functionalities without the drawbacks associated with applets, the development community has largely moved away from Java Applets. This decline in support means fewer resources and updates, further reducing their viability.
  • User experience. Java Applets often require additional steps for users to get them running, such as confirming security warnings or installing/updating the JRE. These additional steps can frustrate users and deter them from using applet-based applications.
  • Maintenance challenges. Given the frequent security updates required for the JRE and the evolving nature of web browsers, maintaining a Java Applet can be challenging and time-consuming, requiring continuous monitoring and updating to ensure smooth operation.

How to Run a Java Applet?

how to run a java applet

Here is an explanation how to run a Java Applet using different tools.

Using HTML File

Running a Java Applet using an HTML file involves embedding the applet within the HTML code so that it can be executed in a web browser. Here is a step-by-step explanation of the process:

  1. Create the Java Applet class. First, you need to create a Java class that extends the Applet class or JApplet class. This class should contain the necessary lifecycle methods (init(), start(), stop(), destroy()) and any other logic needed for the applet's functionality.
import java.applet.Applet;

import java.awt.Graphics;

public class MyApplet extends Applet {

    public void init() {

        // Initialization code


    public void start() {

        // Code to start the applet


    public void stop() {

        // Code to stop the applet


    public void destroy() {

        // Cleanup code


    public void paint(Graphics g) {

        g.drawString("Hello, World!", 20, 20);


  1. Compile the Java class. Compile the Java class to produce a .class file. You can do this using the javac command:
javac MyApplet.java
  1. Create the HTML file. Create an HTML file that will load and run the applet. This file uses the <applet> tag (deprecated) or the <object> tag to embed the applet.

Using the <applet> tag (deprecated):

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>My Java Applet</title>



    <h1>Java Applet Example</h1>

    <applet code="MyApplet.class" width="300" height="300">

        Your browser does not support Java Applets.




Using the <object> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>My Java Applet</title>



    <h1>Java Applet Example</h1>

    <object classid="java:MyApplet.class" width="300" height="300">

        Your browser does not support Java Applets.



  1. Open the HTML file in a browser. Open the HTML file in a web browser that supports Java Applets. Note that most modern browsers no longer support Java Applets due to security concerns, so you might need to use an older browser or a specific applet viewer tool.

Using Appletviewer Tool

Running a Java Applet using the appletviewer tool involves several steps. The appletviewer is a command-line utility that comes with the Java Development Kit (JDK) and is used specifically for testing Java Applets without the need for a web browser. Here’s how to run a Java Applet using the appletviewer tool:

  1. Write the Java Applet code. Create a Java applet by writing the necessary code. Below is a simple example of a Java applet:
import java.applet.Applet;

import java.awt.Graphics;

public class HelloWorldApplet extends Applet {

    public void paint(Graphics g) {

        g.drawString("Hello, World!", 20, 20);


  1. Compile the Java Applet. Compile the applet using the javac command to generate the bytecode (.class file) from the source code (.java file).
javac HelloWorldApplet.java

This command will produce a file named HelloWorldApplet.class.

  1. Create an HTML file. Create an HTML file to specify how the applet should be embedded and run. Here’s a simple HTML file named applet.html:


    <applet code="HelloWorldApplet.class" width="300" height="300">




This HTML file includes the <applet> tag, which references the compiled applet class and specifies the dimensions of the applet's display area.

  1. Run the applet using appletviewer. Use the appletviewer tool to run the applet directly from the command line. The appletviewer reads the HTML file and executes the applet contained within it.
appletviewer applet.html

This command will open a window displaying the applet as defined in the HTML file. The appletviewer tool interprets the <applet> tag and runs the applet in a standalone window, making it useful for testing purposes without involving a web browser.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.