What Are Managed Network Services?

July 15, 2024

Managed network services (MNS) are a suite of services provided by an external provider to manage and maintain an organization's network infrastructure. These services can include the management of local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), wireless networks, and more.

what are managed network services

What Are Managed Network Services?

Managed network services (MNS) refer to the comprehensive and outsourced management of an organization's networking infrastructure by a third-party service provider. This encompasses the administration, monitoring, and maintenance of local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), wireless networks, and other related networking components. The primary objective of MNS is to optimize network performance, ensure robust security measures, and maintain high levels of reliability.

By leveraging managed network services, organizations benefit from the expertise and resources of specialized network professionals. These professionals provide round-the-clock monitoring, troubleshooting, and proactive maintenance to prevent potential issues before they affect the network. This constant oversight helps maintain seamless connectivity, minimize downtime, and enhance overall network performance.

Managed Network Services vs. Traditional Network Services

MNS involve outsourcing the entire network management to a specialized third-party provider, offering continuous monitoring, proactive maintenance, and advanced security measures, all tailored to ensure optimal performance and scalability.

In contrast, traditional network services typically rely on in-house IT teams to manage the network infrastructure, which can lead to higher costs, increased complexity, and potential gaps in expertise and coverage.

While traditional services require significant capital investment in hardware and personnel, MNS offer a more cost-effective, flexible, and reliable solution, allowing organizations to focus on their core operations while benefiting from the latest technologies and expert support.

A Short History of Managed Network Services

Managed network services emerged as a response to the growing complexity of IT infrastructure and the increasing demand for reliable and secure network management. In the early days of networking, organizations typically relied on in-house IT departments to manage their networks, which involved significant investments in hardware, software, and skilled personnel. As businesses grew and technology advanced, maintaining these networks became more challenging and costly.

In the 1990s, with the rise of the internet and the expansion of global business operations, the need for more efficient network management solutions became evident. This period saw the birth of the first managed services providers (MSPs), offering outsourced IT and network management to businesses seeking to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Over the years, the scope of MNS expanded to include comprehensive services such as round-the-clock monitoring, cybersecurity, and cloud integration. Today, MNS are an integral part of modern IT strategy, helping organizations navigate the complexities of network management while focusing on their core business activities.

Features of Managed Network Services

Managed network services come with a variety of features designed to optimize network performance, enhance security, and provide reliable connectivity. Here are some key features and their explanations:

  • 24/7 monitoring and management. Continuous surveillance of network components to detect and address issues in real time, ensuring minimal downtime and swift resolution of any problems.
  • Proactive maintenance. Regular updates, patches, and performance tuning to keep the network running efficiently and to prevent potential issues from becoming major problems.
  • Security management. Implementation of advanced security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits, to protect the network from cyber threats and ensure data integrity.
  • Performance optimization. Ongoing analysis and adjustment of network settings and configurations to enhance speed, reliability, and overall performance.
  • Scalability. The ability to easily scale network resources up or down in response to changing business needs, ensuring that the network can grow with the organization.
  • Disaster recovery and backup. Regular backups and a comprehensive disaster recovery plan to ensure business continuity in the event of data loss or network failures.
  • Compliance management. Ensuring that the network adheres to industry standards and regulatory requirements, helping businesses avoid fines and legal issues.
  • Help desk and support services. Access to technical support and troubleshooting assistance from experienced network professionals, providing quick resolutions to any user issues.
  • Reporting and analytics. Detailed reports and analytics on network performance, usage, and security incidents, offering valuable insights for informed decision-making.
  • Cloud integration. Support for integrating and managing cloud services and hybrid cloud environments, allowing businesses to leverage cloud technology effectively.

Benefits and Challenges of Managed Network Services

mns features

Managed network services (MNS) offer numerous benefits, including enhanced network performance, improved security, cost savings, and access to expert support. These services enable businesses to focus on their core operations while ensuring their network infrastructure is efficiently managed and scalable. However, MNS also come with challenges, such as potential loss of control over network management, reliance on the service provider's expertise and responsiveness, and the need for clear communication and agreement on service levels.


Managed network services provide a wide range of benefits that enhance the efficiency, security, and overall management of an organization's network infrastructure. Here are some key benefits explained:

  • Enhanced network performance. MNS providers continuously monitor and optimize the network, ensuring high performance and minimal downtime. This proactive approach helps in identifying and resolving issues before they affect business operations.
  • Improved security. Managed services include the implementation of robust security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits. This protects the network from cyber threats, ensuring data integrity and compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Cost savings. By outsourcing network management, organizations can reduce the need for in-house IT staff and infrastructure investments. This leads to significant cost savings on hardware, software, and personnel.
  • Access to expertise. MNS providers have specialized knowledge and experience in managing complex network environments. Organizations benefit from this expertise without having to invest in continuous training and development of their own staff.
  • Scalability. Managed services are easily scalable, allowing businesses to adjust their network resources according to their needs. This flexibility supports growth and adaptation to changing market conditions.
  • Proactive maintenance. Regular updates, patches, and performance tuning are conducted to keep the network running smoothly. This proactive maintenance helps to prevent potential issues and ensures optimal performance.
  • Disaster recovery and backup. MNS providers offer comprehensive disaster recovery solutions and regular data backups. This ensures business continuity in case of data loss or network failures.
  • 24/7 support. Round-the-clock technical support and troubleshooting assistance are available, providing quick resolutions to any network-related issues and minimizing disruption to business operations.
  • Compliance management. Managed services help ensure that the network adheres to industry standards and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of legal issues and fines.
  • Reporting and analytics. Detailed reports and analytics on network performance, usage, and security incidents are provided. These insights help in informed decision-making and strategic planning.


Managed network services offer numerous benefits but also come with several challenges that organizations need to consider. Here are some key challenges and their explanations:

  • Loss of control. Outsourcing network management to a third-party provider means that organizations may have less direct control over their network infrastructure, which can be a concern for businesses that prefer hands-on management.
  • Dependency on the provider. Organizations become dependent on the MNS provider for network performance and security. Any issues with the provider, such as service interruptions or slow response times, directly impact the business.
  • Security concerns. Entrusting sensitive network and data management to an external provider can raise security concerns. Ensuring that the provider has robust security measures and complies with industry standards is critical.
  • Service level agreements (SLAs). Defining and enforcing SLAs can be challenging. Organizations need to ensure that the SLAs clearly outline performance metrics, response times, and responsibilities to avoid misunderstandings and ensure accountability.
  • Integration with existing systems. Ensuring seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure and systems without disrupting business operations requires careful planning and coordination.
  • Customization limitations. MNS providers may offer standardized solutions that might not fully meet the specific needs of an organization.
  • Cost considerations. While MNS can be cost-effective, unexpected costs can arise, especially if additional services or upgrades are needed. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the cost structure and potential additional charges.
  • Scalability challenges. While MNS are designed to be scalable, rapid changes in business needs can sometimes outpace the provider’s ability to scale services quickly, potentially leading to performance bottlenecks.
  • Vendor lock-in. Long-term contracts with an MNS provider can lead to vendor lock-in, making it difficult for organizations to switch providers or return to in-house management without significant disruption or cost.

How to Choose a Managed Network Service Provider?

Choosing a managed network service provider (MNSP) is a critical decision that significantly impacts your organization's network performance, security, and overall efficiency. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting an MNSP:

  1. Assess your needs. Understand your organization’s specific network requirements, including the scale, complexity, and criticality of your network infrastructure. Identify the services you need, such as network monitoring, security management, and cloud integration.
  2. Evaluate expertise and experience. Look for providers with proven expertise and a strong track record in managing networks similar to yours. Check their experience in your industry and their ability to handle the specific technologies and systems you use.
  3. Check security measures. Ensure the provider has robust security protocols in place to protect your network from cyber threats. Ask about their security certifications, data protection policies, and incident response procedures.
  4. Review service level agreements (SLAs). Carefully review the SLAs offered by the provider. Ensure they clearly define performance metrics, response times, and accountability for network uptime and issue resolution. SLAs should align with your business needs and expectations.
  5. Consider scalability. Choose a provider that can scale their services to meet your future growth and changing network demands. Assess their ability to quickly adapt to your evolving needs without significant disruption.
  6. Evaluate support and customer service. Assess the quality of the provider’s customer support. Look for 24/7 support availability, dedicated account managers, and their responsiveness to issues and queries. Customer testimonials and reviews can provide insights into their service quality.
  7. Examine pricing structure. Understand the provider’s pricing model and ensure it fits within your budget. Be aware of any hidden costs or additional charges for extra services. A transparent pricing structure will help avoid unexpected expenses.
  8. Check integration capabilities. Ensure the provider can seamlessly integrate their services with your existing IT infrastructure and systems. This includes compatibility with your hardware, software, and network protocols.
  9. Look for customization options. A good MNSP should offer flexible solutions tailored to your specific needs. Avoid providers with rigid, one-size-fits-all solutions that may not fully address your unique requirements.
  10. Research reputation and reviews. Investigate the provider’s reputation in the market. Look for reviews, case studies, and references from other businesses. A reputable provider will have positive feedback and a history of successful network management.
  11. Assess vendor stability. Choose a provider with a stable financial background and a long-term commitment to the industry. Vendor stability ensures they will be around to support your network for years to come.
  12. Request a trial or pilot. If possible, request a trial period or pilot project to evaluate the provider’s services firsthand. This will give you a better understanding of their capabilities and how well they can meet your needs.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.