What Is Multitenancy?

May 28, 2024

Multitenancy is an architecture in software design where a single instance of an application serves multiple tenants or clients. This approach allows for efficient resource utilization, scalability, and cost savings, making it popular in cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) environments.

what is multitenancy

What Is Multitenancy?

Multitenancy is an architectural approach in software design where a single instance of an application is utilized to serve multiple tenants or clients. Each tenant, which could be an individual user, a company, or an organization, shares the same software application and database but remains isolated and invisible to others. This isolation ensures privacy and security for each tenant's data, while still allowing the application to efficiently use computing resources.

Multitenancy is particularly advantageous in cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) environments, as it allows for scalable and cost-effective service delivery. The shared infrastructure reduces the need for redundant resources, lowering costs and simplifying maintenance. Furthermore, it enables developers to deploy updates and new features centrally, ensuring that all tenants benefit from improvements without the need for individual installations. This architecture also supports the customization of the software experience for each tenant, allowing them to configure their interface and settings according to their specific needs, while still leveraging a shared, centrally managed application.

How Does Multitenancy Work?

Multitenancy works by enabling multiple tenants to share a single instance of an application while keeping their data and configurations separate and secure. Here’s how it operates in detail:

  1. Shared application instance. In a multitenant architecture, a single instance of the software runs on a server or a cluster of servers. This instance is designed to handle multiple clients simultaneously, with each client referred to as a tenant.
  2. Tenant isolation. Each tenant’s data is isolated from others. This isolation is achieved through various means, e.g., by having separate databases for each tenant, using a shared database with tenant-specific tables, or employing a combination of both. Isolation ensures that tenants cannot access each other’s data, providing privacy and security.
  3. Resource sharing. The underlying resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage, are shared among all tenants. The application efficiently manages these resources to ensure optimal performance and scalability. Resource sharing reduces the overall cost, as multiple tenants leverage the same infrastructure.
  4. Customizable tenant environments. Each tenant can have a customized environment despite sharing the same application instance. Customization may include specific configurations, user interfaces, and access controls. The application handles these customizations while maintaining a unified codebase.
  5. Centralized management. Multitenant applications often include centralized management tools for administration, monitoring, and maintenance. Centralization simplifies the deployment of updates, patches, and new features, as changes are applied once and propagated to all tenants. It also allows for efficient scaling, as new tenants can be added without significant changes to the infrastructure.
  6. Security measures. Robust security measures are implemented to ensure that tenant data remains confidential and secure. These measures include authentication, authorization, encryption, and auditing mechanisms to protect data and comply with regulatory requirements.

Multitenant Architecture Types

Multitenant architecture is designed to serve multiple tenants using a shared infrastructure while ensuring data isolation and security. There are several types of multitenant architectures, each with its own approach to managing data and resources. Here are the main types:

  • Shared database, shared schema. In this architecture, all tenants share the same database and the same set of tables. Each row in the tables is tagged with a tenant identifier to distinguish which data belongs to which tenant. This approach is cost-effective and offers high efficiency in resource utilization but requires stringent database security measures to ensure data isolation.
  • Shared database, separate schema. Each tenant has its own set of tables within the same database, effectively using a separate schema. This type provides a higher data isolation level than the shared schema approach. It simplifies data management and customization for each tenant while still benefiting from shared infrastructure, though it can be more complex to maintain.
  • Separate database. Each tenant has its own database. This architecture offers the highest level of isolation and security, making it easier to manage tenant-specific customizations and compliance with regulatory requirements. However, it can be more resource-intensive and costly since it doesn't leverage shared database resources as effectively as the other types.
  • Hybrid approaches. Some architectures combine elements of the above types to balance efficiency and isolation. For instance, a hybrid approach might use a shared database with separate schemas for smaller tenants and separate databases for larger tenants. This allows the system to scale efficiently while providing flexibility in data management.

Multitenancy Examples

Multitenancy is a common architectural pattern used in various software applications and platforms, particularly in cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) models. Here are some examples of multitenancy in action, along with explanations of how each example employs this architecture:

  • Cloud computing platforms. Cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform offer multitenant environments where multiple customers (tenants) share the same underlying hardware and software resources. Each tenant's data and applications are isolated to ensure security and privacy.
  • Software as a service (SaaS). SaaS applications such as Salesforce, Microsoft Office 365, and Google Workspace operate on a multitenant model. Multiple organizations use the same application instance, but their data and configurations are kept separate, allowing for efficient resource utilization and simplified maintenance.
  • Web hosting services. Web hosting providers, such as Bluehost and GoDaddy, offer multitenant hosting solutions where multiple websites share the same server resources. Each website is hosted in an isolated environment, ensuring that the performance and security issues of one site do not affect others.
  • Database management systems. Multitenant databases like Amazon RDS and Microsoft SQL Server allow multiple databases to reside on a single server instance. Each tenant's data is isolated within its own database schema, providing efficient use of server resources and simplified management.
  • Virtualization platforms. Hypervisors like VMware ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-V enable multitenancy by allowing multiple virtual machines (VMs) to run on a single physical server. Each VM operates as an independent entity, with its own operating system and applications, while sharing the underlying hardware resources.
  • Content management systems (CMS). CMS platforms such as WordPress Multisite and Drupal Multisite enable multiple websites to be managed from a single installation. Each site has its own unique content and configuration but shares the same codebase and infrastructure.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. IoT platforms like IBM Watson IoT and AWS IoT support multitenancy by allowing multiple organizations to connect and manage their devices through a shared infrastructure. Each tenant's devices and data streams are securely isolated, ensuring privacy and security.
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. ERP systems like SAP S/4HANA and Oracle ERP Cloud use multitenancy to serve multiple organizations with a single software instance. Each organization's data and processes are isolated within the system, allowing for customized configurations and secure operations.

Multitenancy Advantages and Disadvantages

Multitenancy offers several advantages and disadvantages that impact its suitability for various applications. Understanding these can help organizations decide whether a multitenant architecture aligns with their business needs and goals.


Here are some key advantages of multitenancy, each explained in detail:

  • Cost savings. Multitenancy reduces overall infrastructure costs by sharing resources such as servers, storage, and networking equipment among multiple tenants. This shared environment allows providers to offer services at a lower cost compared to dedicated single-tenant setups.
  • Efficient resource utilization. Multitenant architectures maximize the use of computing resources. Since multiple tenants use the same infrastructure, resources like CPU, memory, and storage can be dynamically allocated based on demand, ensuring efficient utilization and minimizing waste.
  • Scalability. Multitenancy allows for easy scalability. Providers can add new tenants without significant changes to the underlying infrastructure. This scalability ensures that the application can handle growing numbers of users and increased workloads seamlessly.
  • Simplified maintenance and updates. With a single instance of the application serving multiple tenants, updates, patches, and maintenance tasks can be performed centrally. This reduces the time and effort needed to manage individual instances for each tenant, ensuring all users benefit from the latest features and security enhancements simultaneously.
  • Consistent performance. Multitenant environments often include mechanisms to balance loads and allocate resources effectively, ensuring consistent performance for all tenants. This means that no single tenant monopolizes resources to the detriment of others.
  • Customization and flexibility. Despite sharing the same application, tenants can customize their environments to meet their specific needs. This flexibility allows each tenant to configure settings, user interfaces, and workflows according to their preferences.
  • Centralized management. Providers can centrally manage all tenants from a single administrative interface, simplifying tasks such as monitoring, security management, and compliance.
  • Rapid deployment. Multitenancy facilitates quick provisioning of new tenants. Since the infrastructure and application are already in place, new tenants are onboarded rapidly without the need for extensive setup or configuration, accelerating time-to-market for new users.


Here are some key disadvantages of multitenancy, along with explanations of each:

  • Security risks. While multitenancy includes measures to isolate data between tenants, the shared infrastructure means that application or platform vulnerabilities could expose one tenant's data to another. Ensuring robust security protocols and regular audits is essential to mitigate these risks.
  • Complexity in data isolation. Maintaining strict data isolation for multiple tenants can be complex. Developers must implement and manage isolation mechanisms carefully to prevent data leakage and ensure that each tenant’s data remains secure and private.
  • Performance variability. Since resources are shared among multiple tenants, the performance of the application can vary. High resource usage by one tenant can impact the performance experienced by others, requiring sophisticated resource management and monitoring to maintain consistent performance levels.
  • Customization limitations. While multitenant architectures allow for some level of customization for each tenant, there are limitations. The need to maintain a single codebase restricts the extent to which individual tenants can modify or customize the application to meet their specific needs.
  • Compliance challenges. Meeting regulatory and compliance requirements can be more challenging in a multitenant environment. Different tenants may have varying compliance needs and ensuring that the shared infrastructure meets all these requirements can be complex and resource-intensive.
  • Scalability issues. As the number of tenants grows, the architecture must scale accordingly. This introduces challenges in managing and maintaining performance, security, and isolation. Ensuring that the system can handle increased load and complexity without degrading performance or security requires careful planning and management.
  • Support and maintenance overhead. Providing support and maintenance for a multitenant system can be more demanding. Issues affecting the shared infrastructure can impact multiple tenants simultaneously, requiring quick and effective responses to minimize downtime and disruptions.

Multitenancy vs. Single-Tenancy

In a multitenant architecture, a single instance of an application serves multiple tenants, each with isolated data and configurations, which allows for efficient resource utilization, cost savings, and simplified maintenance. However, it also introduces complexities in ensuring data isolation, security, and consistent performance across tenants.

In contrast, single-tenancy involves a dedicated instance of an application for each tenant, offering enhanced security, performance, and customization at the cost of higher resource usage and increased operational overhead.

Single-tenancy is often preferred when stringent security, compliance, and performance requirements are paramount, whereas multitenancy is ideal for scalable, cost-effective service delivery.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.