What Is Declarative Programming?

August 31, 2024

Declarative programming is a paradigm that focuses on what the program should accomplish rather than how it should achieve it. Common examples include SQL for database queries and HTML for web page structure.

what is declarative programming

What Is Declarative Programming?

Declarative programming is a programming paradigm in which the focus is on describing the desired outcomes or goals rather than detailing the specific steps to achieve them. In this approach, a programmer writes code that expresses what the program should do, without explicitly programming how it should be done. This is achieved by defining the logic of computation without dictating control flow, leaving the underlying system to determine the most efficient way to execute the instructions.

An Example of Declarative Programming

One of the most common examples of declarative programming is using SQL (Structured Query Language) to query a database. SQL allows you to specify what data you want to retrieve without detailing how the database should perform the retrieval.

SELECT name, age

FROM users

WHERE age > 30;

In this example, the SQL query retrieves the name and age of all users from the users table who are older than 30 years:

  • Declarative aspect. The code specifies the desired outcomeโ€”which is to get the name and age of users over 30.
  • No control flow. It does not specify how the database should search through the data, how it should optimize the query, or how it should sort through the records. All of that is handled by the database engine.

How Does Declarative Programming Work?

Hereโ€™s how declarative programming works:

  1. High-level abstractions. Declarative programming languages or frameworks provide high-level abstractions that allow you to express the desired outcomes directly. Instead of detailing each step of the computation, you define the properties, conditions, or rules that describe the final state or output.
  2. Expression of logic. In declarative programming, you describe the logic of the computation. For example, in SQL, you express the conditions under which data should be retrieved, or in HTML, you describe the structure of a webpage. The logic is expressed in terms of what you want to achieve rather than how to achieve it.
  3. Underlying execution. The underlying system, such as a database engine, a browser, or a compiler, interprets the declarative code and determines the best way to execute it. This system is responsible for handling the control flow, optimization, and execution strategies based on the declarative instructions provided.
  4. State management. Declarative programming typically abstracts state management. You donโ€™t have to explicitly manage the state changes or transitions. For example, in functional programming (a subset of declarative programming), functions are pure, meaning they donโ€™t have side effects or rely on external state. This allows for more predictable and understandable code.
  5. Evaluation strategies. Many declarative languages use specific evaluation strategies to optimize performance and execution. For example, lazy evaluation in functional programming languages delays the computation of expressions until their values are actually needed. This can lead to performance improvements and reduced resource consumption.
  6. Focus on what, not how. Ultimately, declarative programming allows developers to focus on what the end result should be, leaving the complexities of how to achieve it to the underlying system. This separation of concerns often leads to code that is more concise, easier to understand, and more maintainable.

Declarative Programming Types

Declarative programming encompasses various types that focus on describing what a program should do rather than how it should be done. These types are suited for different domains and problems, leveraging the core idea of specifying outcomes without detailing the steps to achieve them. Each type of declarative programming offers unique approaches and tools that abstract away implementation details, allowing developers to focus on the logic and relationships within their code.

Functional Programming

Functional programming is a declarative paradigm where programs are constructed by applying and composing functions. It emphasizes immutability, first-class functions, and the absence of side effects. In functional programming, functions are treated as mathematical functions, producing the same output for the same input without modifying any external state. This leads to code that is more predictable and easier to test.

Logic Programming

Logic programming involves expressing logic and relationships between facts using rules. A program written in a logic programming language, like Prolog, consists of a set of rules and facts. The languageโ€™s interpreter searches for solutions by inferring relationships and matching patterns, allowing the programmer to specify the desired results without outlining the procedural steps to achieve them. This type is particularly useful in fields like artificial intelligence and problem-solving, where rules and relationships are key.

Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)

Domain-specific languages are specialized declarative languages designed for specific problem domains. Examples include SQL for querying databases, CSS for styling web pages, and regular expressions for pattern matching in strings. DSLs allow developers to express complex operations or configurations in a concise and readable manner tailored to a particular domain, abstracting away the low-level implementation details.

Dataflow Programming

Dataflow programming models programs as a directed graph of data flowing between operations. Each node in the graph represents an operation, and each edge represents the flow of data. In this paradigm, the order of execution is determined by the flow of data rather than a predefined sequence of instructions. This is particularly useful in scenarios involving parallel processing and reactive programming, where the focus is on how data propagates through a system.

Configuration Management

Configuration management involves declarative languages that describe the desired state of a system or infrastructure. Tools like Terraform and Ansible allow developers to define the desired configuration of servers, networks, and applications, and the system ensures that the infrastructure matches this desired state. This approach abstracts away the procedural steps needed to achieve the configuration, focusing on the end state instead.

Reactive Programming

Reactive programming is a declarative approach focused on asynchronous data streams. It allows developers to declare dependencies between different pieces of data, ensuring that changes propagate automatically through the system. This type is especially useful in scenarios where data needs to be processed or reacted to in real time, such as in user interfaces or event-driven systems.

Declarative Programming Use Cases

declarative programming use cases

Declarative programming is applied in various fields where the focus is on specifying the desired outcome rather than detailing the step-by-step process to achieve it. Here are some key use cases.

Database Querying

One of the most common use cases for declarative programming is querying databases using languages like SQL. In SQL, you describe the data you want to retrieve or manipulate, and the database engine determines the most efficient way to execute the query. This approach abstracts away the complexities of data retrieval and optimization, allowing developers to focus on the logic of their queries.

Web Development

Declarative programming is heavily used in web development through HTML, CSS, and modern frontend frameworks like React. HTML and CSS allow developers to declare the structure and styling of web pages without specifying how the browser should render them. React, a JavaScript library, uses a declarative approach to building user interfaces by allowing developers to describe the UI state and how it should change in response to user interactions.

Configuration Management

In infrastructure and operations, declarative languages like Terraform and Ansible are used to manage the configuration of servers, networks, and applications. These tools allow engineers to declare the desired state of their infrastructure, such as the number of servers, network settings, and installed software, and the tool ensures that the actual environment matches this state. This abstraction simplifies managing complex environments and ensures consistency.

Build and Deployment Pipelines

Declarative programming is also used to define build and deployment pipelines in continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) systems. Tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, and Travis CI allow developers to declare the stages of their build and deployment processes. The system then orchestrates these stages, handling dependencies, triggers, and parallelization automatically.

Functional Programming in Data Processing

Functional programming, a subset of declarative programming, is often used in data processing tasks. Languages like Haskell or libraries in languages like Python (e.g., pandas) enable developers to write data transformations in a declarative style. Rather than writing loops and managing state, developers declare the transformations and filters they want to apply to datasets, making the code more concise and expressive.

Reactive Programming

In user interface development and real-time systems, reactive programming is used to manage asynchronous data streams declaratively. For example, RxJS in JavaScript allows developers to work with asynchronous events, such as user inputs or server responses, by declaring how these events should propagate through the system. This approach simplifies handling complex event-driven logic and ensures that the UI remains responsive.

Search Engines and Rule-Based Systems

Declarative programming is also applied in search engines and rule-based systems, such as Prolog. In these systems, you declare a set of rules and relationships, and the system infers the results based on these declarations. This is particularly useful in fields like artificial intelligence, where logical relationships and pattern matching are more important than procedural logic.

Cloud Infrastructure Management

Cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud offer declarative tools for managing resources in the cloud. For instance, AWS CloudFormation allows developers to declare the infrastructure they want (e.g., servers, databases, networks) in a JSON or YAML file. The cloud provider then provisions and manages these resources according to the declared configuration, abstracting away the manual steps involved in setting up and scaling infrastructure.

Dataflow Programming in Parallel Processing

Dataflow programming, which models programs as a graph of data flowing between operations, is often used in parallel processing and streaming data applications. For example, Apache Kafka Streams allows developers to declare how data should be processed and routed through different stages of a pipeline, with the system handling the complexities of parallel execution and fault tolerance.

Declarative vs. Imperative Programming

Declarative programming focuses on what the program should accomplish, abstracting away the implementation details and leaving the execution strategy to the underlying system. This results in more concise, readable code that is often easier to maintain.

In contrast, imperative programming centers on how to achieve a task by explicitly defining the sequence of operations that modify the programโ€™s state. While imperative programming offers more control over the execution process, it can lead to more complex and less intuitive code, particularly as the logic becomes intricate.

The choice between the two depends on the problem domain and the level of control needed over the program's execution.

Declarative Programming Pros and Cons

When considering the adoption of declarative programming, it's important to weigh both its advantages and potential drawbacks. This section will explore the pros and cons of declarative programming, providing insights into its strengths in simplifying code and improving readability, as well as the challenges it may present in terms of performance optimization and flexibility. Understanding these aspects can help determine when declarative programming is the right choice for a particular project or problem domain.


Declarative programming offers several advantages that make it an attractive choice for developers across various domains. These strengths contribute to the growing popularity of declarative approaches in modern software development:

  • Improved readability and maintainability. Declarative programming emphasizes expressing the logic of what should be done rather than how to do it. This results in code that is often more concise and easier to read. By abstracting away the procedural details, developers can focus on the high-level logic, making the codebase easier to understand and maintain, especially as the project grows.
  • Reduced complexity. By allowing the underlying system to handle the control flow and execution details, declarative programming reduces the complexity that developers have to manage. This is particularly beneficial in large or complex systems where managing state and procedural logic can quickly become unwieldy. Simplifying these aspects can lead to fewer bugs and more reliable software.
  • Enhanced abstraction. Declarative languages and frameworks provide a higher level of abstraction, enabling developers to work at a more conceptual level. This abstraction allows for more rapid development, as developers can focus on defining the desired outcomes rather than getting bogged down in low-level implementation details.
  • Easier parallelism and concurrency. Declarative programming often naturally lends itself to parallel and concurrent execution. Since the logic focuses on the what rather than the how, the underlying system more easily optimizes and parallelizes the execution of tasks. This is particularly useful in data processing, where operations can be distributed across multiple processors or cores without explicit instructions from the developer.
  • Consistency and predictability. In declarative programming, the focus on immutability and statelessness (especially in functional programming) leads to code that behaves consistently across different runs. Since there is less reliance on shared state and side effects, the code is more predictable, which makes testing, debugging, and reasoning about the program easier.
  • Domain-specific efficiency. Declarative programming languages, particularly domain-specific languages, are tailored to specific tasks or industries, offering high efficiency and expressiveness within that domain. For instance, SQL is highly optimized for querying databases, allowing developers to write complex queries with relatively simple and intuitive code.
  • Easier adoption of best practices. Declarative programming often enforces best practices by design. For example, declarative infrastructure management tools ensure that systems are configured consistently and according to predefined standards, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall system reliability.


While declarative programming offers significant benefits in terms of simplicity and readability, it is not without its drawbacks. The disadvantages of this programming paradigm include:

  • Limited control over execution. Declarative programming abstracts away the implementation details, which means developers have less control over how the underlying system executes the code. This can be a disadvantage in scenarios where fine-tuned performance optimizations are necessary, as developers may not be able to dictate the precise steps the system takes.
  • Performance overhead. The abstraction in declarative programming can introduce performance overhead, as the system might not always choose the most efficient execution path. While the goal is to optimize automatically, this is not always guaranteed, especially in complex or resource-intensive applications. As a result, the performance may be less predictable compared to imperative programming.
  • Steeper learning curve for domain-specific languages (DSLs). Many declarative systems rely on domain-specific languages, which can have a steeper learning curve. Developers must familiarize themselves with these DSLs and their particular syntax and semantics, which can take time and effort, especially when transitioning from more familiar imperative languages.
  • Debugging challenges. Debugging declarative code can be more challenging compared to imperative code because the logic is often more abstract and less explicit. Since the developer does not control the exact flow of execution, identifying the source of an error or a performance bottleneck can be more difficult, especially in complex systems.
  • Reduced flexibility. Declarative programming, by its nature, imposes constraints on how problems can be solved. This can lead to reduced flexibility, as developers may be limited by the abstractions and constructs provided by the declarative language or framework. In cases where a highly customized or unconventional solution is needed, this lack of flexibility can be a significant limitation.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.