What Is Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)?

July 23, 2024

A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is software that enables users to create, manage, and manipulate a relational database. It uses a structured format of rows and columns to store data, ensuring relationships between data elements are maintained.

what is relational database management system

What Is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)?

A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a sophisticated software system designed for the efficient creation, management, and manipulation of databases based on a relational model. In this model, data is organized into tables, which consist of rows and columns. Each row, known as a record, contains a unique instance of data, while each column, or field, represents a specific data attribute. The relational model emphasizes the importance of data relationships, which are managed by using keys and indexes to ensure data integrity and establish connections between different tables.

An RDBMS provides robust mechanisms for ensuring data integrity, consistency, and security. It supports ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties, which guarantee reliable transactions and data processing. Additionally, RDBMS systems offer powerful querying capabilities through structured query language (SQL), allowing users to perform complex queries, data updates, and database administration tasks efficiently.

A Short History of RDBMS

The concept of the relational database management system originated in the early 1970s with the work of Edgar F. Codd, an IBM researcher. Codd proposed the relational model in his seminal 1970 paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks," which introduced the idea of organizing data into tables with rows and columns, a revolutionary approach at the time.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, companies like IBM and Oracle began developing commercial RDBMS products based on Codd's principles. IBM's System R and Oracle Database, released in 1979, were among the first RDBMS products to gain significant traction. During the 1980s and 1990s, the use of RDBMS expanded rapidly as these systems became the standard for business applications, offering powerful data management capabilities and SQL for querying and manipulating data. The evolution of RDBMS continued with the incorporation of more advanced features, such as transaction processing, concurrency control, and support for various data types, solidifying their role as the backbone of modern data management systems.

RDBMS Key Features

Relational database management systems are known for their robust and efficient management of relational databases. They offer a variety of key features that ensure data integrity, security, and ease of use, including:

  • Data integrity. RDBMS enforces rules to ensure the accuracy and consistency of data. Constraints like primary keys, foreign keys, and unique constraints help maintain data integrity by preventing invalid data entry and preserving the relationships between tables.
  • Data security. RDBMS provides mechanisms to protect data from unauthorized access and data breaches. Features such as user authentication, access controls, and encryption ensure that only authorized users can access and manipulate the data.
  • ACID compliance. RDBMS systems adhere to the ACID properties (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability), ensuring reliable transaction processing. This means that transactions are processed reliably and that the database remains in a consistent state, even in the event of errors or system failures.
  • SQL support. RDBMS supports structured query language (SQL), a powerful language for querying and managing data. SQL allows users to perform complex queries, data updates, and database administration tasks efficiently and with relative ease.
  • Scalability and performance. RDBMS are designed to handle large volumes of data and multiple concurrent users. They employ various optimization techniques, such as indexing and query optimization, to ensure high performance and scalability.
  • Data backup and recovery. RDBMS systems provide robust backup and recovery options to protect data from loss or corruption. Automated backup routines and point-in-time recovery features help ensure that data can be restored to a consistent state after a failure.
  • Concurrency control. RDBMS manages concurrent data access to prevent conflicts and ensure data consistency. Techniques like locking and multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) allow multiple users to access and modify data simultaneously without interfering with each other.
  • Data abstraction and independence. RDBMS separates the physical storage of data from its logical structure, providing data abstraction. This allows changes to the physical storage or database schema without affecting the application's ability to access the data.

RDBMS Use Cases

Relational Database Management Systems are versatile tools used across various industries for managing structured data. Their ability to handle large datasets, ensure data integrity, and support complex queries makes them suitable for numerous applications.

  • Business applications. RDBMS are integral to enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. They store and manage vast amounts of customer data, inventory, transactions, and other critical business information, allowing businesses to streamline operations and make data-driven decisions.
  • Ecommerce platforms. Online retailers use RDBMS to manage product catalogs, customer orders, payment processing, and inventory tracking. These systems ensure that data is consistently updated and easily retrievable, providing a seamless shopping experience for customers.
  • Financial services. Banks and financial institutions rely on RDBMS to manage accounts, transactions, loans, and financial records. The robust data integrity and security features of RDBMS ensure accurate financial reporting and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Healthcare systems. Hospitals and clinics use RDBMS to maintain patient records, manage appointments, and track treatments. These systems support the secure and efficient handling of sensitive patient data, contributing to better healthcare management and patient outcomes.
  • Telecommunications. Telecom companies use RDBMS to manage customer data, billing information, call records, and network management. These systems help in efficiently handling large volumes of data generated from millions of users, ensuring reliable service delivery.
  • Education and research. Universities and research institutions use RDBMS to manage student records, course registrations, and research data. These systems facilitate the organization and retrieval of large datasets, supporting academic administration and research activities.
  • Government and public sector. Government agencies use RDBMS to manage public records, tax information, social services, and other administrative data. These systems help in efficiently handling vast amounts of data, improving public service delivery and transparency.
  • Manufacturing. Manufacturing companies use RDBMS for supply chain management, production planning, quality control, and inventory management. These systems ensure accurate tracking of materials, products, and processes, optimizing production efficiency and reducing costs.


Here is a table comparing relational database management systems (RDBMS) with database management systems (DBMS).

Point of comparisonRDBMSDBMS
Data structureUses tables (rows and columns).Uses files or hierarchical/tree structure.
Relationship handlingSupports relationships between tables.Does not inherently support relationships.
Query languageUses SQL.May use various query languages; not standardized.
ACID propertiesEnsures ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties for transactions.May not fully support ACID properties.
Data integrityStrong data integrity and constraints.Limited data integrity, dependent on implementation.
ScalabilityHighly scalable, suitable for large datasets.Scalability varies, often limited.
ExamplesOracle Database, SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.dBase, MS Access, file-based databases.
ComplexityGenerally more complex and resource-intensive.Simpler and less resource-intensive.
Use casesEnterprise applications, ecommerce, financial services, healthcare.Small-scale applications, simple data management.
NormalizationSupports data normalization to reduce redundancy.Limited support for normalization.

Relational Database Management System Pros and Cons

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are widely used in various industries due to their structured approach to data management and robust feature set. Below is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of RDBMS to help organizations make informed decisions about whether this type of database system is the right fit for their needs.


Here are the key advantages of using a relational database management system (RDBMS):

  • Data integrity. RDBMS ensures data accuracy and consistency through constraints and validation rules, maintaining data integrity across the database.
  • Structured query language (SQL). SQL provides a powerful and standardized way to query and manipulate data, allowing for complex queries and efficient data management.
  • Data relationships. RDBMS effectively handles relationships between data entities using primary and foreign keys, which helps to maintain data interconnections.
  • ACID compliance. RDBMS supports ACID properties (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability), ensuring reliable transactions and data integrity even in case of failures.
  • Scalability. RDBMS can scale vertically to handle large volumes of data and high transaction loads, making them suitable for enterprise-level applications.
  • Security. RDBMS offers robust security features, including user authentication, access controls, and encryption, to protect sensitive data.
  • Data redundancy reduction. Through normalization, RDBMS minimizes data redundancy and ensures efficient use of storage space, reducing data anomalies.
  • Backup and recovery. RDBMS provides reliable backup and recovery options, ensuring data can be restored in case of system failures or data loss.


While relational database management systems offer many advantages, they also come with certain drawbacks:

  • Complexity. RDBMS systems can be complex to design, implement, and manage. The need for careful planning of database schemas, normalization processes, and relationships makes setup and maintenance challenging, especially for large-scale databases.
  • Resource intensive. Operating an RDBMS requires significant computational resources. They demand powerful hardware, sufficient memory, and optimized storage solutions to handle large datasets and high transaction volumes efficiently.
  • Cost. Commercial RDBMS solutions, such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, can be expensive due to licensing fees, maintenance costs, and the need for specialized personnel. Even open-source RDBMS, while free to use, may incur costs related to support and customization.
  • Scalability issues. While RDBMS can scale vertically by adding more resources to a single server, they often face challenges with horizontal scaling across multiple servers. This limitation can impact performance when handling very large databases or high-traffic applications.
  • Rigidity. The structured nature of RDBMS requires predefined schemas, making it less flexible to accommodate changes in data types or structures. Altering the schema of an existing database can be complex and disruptive.
  • Performance overhead. Maintaining data integrity and enforcing ACID properties introduces performance overhead, particularly for complex queries and large transactions. This can lead to slower performance in some scenarios than other database systems.
  • Limited unstructured data handling. RDBMS are optimized for structured data and may struggle to efficiently store and query unstructured data such as text documents, multimedia files, and JSON objects, which are better handled by NoSQL databases.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.