What Is Software Defined Infrastructure?

June 5, 2023

Software-defined infrastructure (SDI) is a type of computing infrastructure where the configuration and management of hardware resources are controlled and automated through software. In traditional infrastructure setups, hardware components such as servers, storage devices, and network switches are individually configured and managed. However, in software-defined infrastructure, the control and orchestration of these resources are abstracted and centralized using software.

Typically, the key components of software-defined infrastructure:

  • Software-defined Networking (SDN). SDN separates the control plane from the data plane in network devices. It allows network administrators to centrally manage and configure networking equipment through software controllers, enabling more flexible and dynamic network provisioning.
  • Software-defined Storage (SDS). SDS decouples the logical storage layer from the underlying physical storage hardware. It enables the pooling and abstraction of storage resources, allowing administrators to manage and allocate storage capacity dynamically based on application requirements.
  • Software-defined Compute (SDC). SDC involves abstracting and virtualizing compute resources such as servers and virtual machines (VMs). It provides the ability to provision, manage, and scale compute resources on demand, allowing for greater resource utilization and flexibility.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.