Virtual Memory Definition: What is Virtual Memory?

March 29, 2024

Virtual memory is a computer system technique that gives an application the impression it has contiguous working memory (or address space) even though it may be fragmented and even extend into storage space on a disk. Essentially, it allows a larger amount of memory to be effectively used than might physically be available on the system.

what is virtual memory

How Does Virtual Memory Work?

Virtual memory encompasses several features that enrich storage space. Here is how it works:

  1. Page file or swap space. Virtual memory uses a portion of the computer's hard drive (or SSD) to extend its RAM. This space on the disk is often referred to as a page file in Windows, or swap space in UNIX/Linux systems.
  2. Paging and swapping. The operating system moves data between the disk and the RAM in units called "pages." When a program needs to access data that is not currently in the RAM, the system will move data that hasn't been used recently to the disk (swapping or paging out) and load the needed data into RAM (paging in).
  3. Memory Management Unit (MMU). The MMU is a hardware component responsible for the handling of virtual memory. It translates virtual addresses into physical addresses. Each program has its own space of virtual addresses, which are mapped to physical addresses by the MMU.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is a cornerstone of modern computing, expanding the apparent capacity of physical memory and facilitating seamless multitasking across diverse applications. While it offers flexibility, system stability, and enhanced security, it can lead to performance bottlenecks, particularly when system hardware is not optimized for heavy paging activities.

Below is an outline of the benefits and drawbacks of leveraging this technology.


Virtual memory advantages include:

  • Efficiency in memory usage. Virtual memory allows for the more efficient use of physical memory. It enables systems to run applications requiring more memory than is physically available by using disk space as a slower, functional extension of RAM.
  • Simplified memory management. For programmers, virtual memory simplifies memory management because they don't have to manage the memory allocation directly. The operating system handles the complexity of mapping virtual addresses to physical addresses, allowing developers to focus on other aspects of their applications.
  • Enhanced security. By isolating the memory space of each application, virtual memory also adds a layer of security. It prevents one application from accessing another's data, which can protect against certain types of software bugs or malicious exploits.
  • Memory overcommitment. Virtual memory systems allow the allocation of more memory to applications than is physically present by using mechanisms like overcommitment and memory overallocation. These approaches are useful in environments where applications might reserve more memory than they actually use.
  • Load on demand/lazy loading. Virtual memory loads only the necessary parts of a program into physical memory, reducing startup times and the amount of physical memory used. This is particularly useful for applications with large amounts of code or data that are not simultaneously needed.
  • Easy process creation. The use of virtual memory makes it easier for the operating system to allocate memory to newly created processes. It can also simplify the handling of dynamically allocated memory within those processes, improving system responsiveness and scalability.
  • Memory-mapped files. Virtual memory allows for mapping files directly into a process's address space, simplifying file access and improving the performance of file I/O operations.
  • Shared virtual memory. In environments where multiple processes need to access the same data, virtual memory facilitates the sharing of this data by mapping it into the address space of each process. This capability is useful in multi-user or multi-process systems where processes need to communicate or share information.


Like every technology, virtual memory comes with a set of disadvantages, including:

  • Performance overhead. Virtual memory introduces a layer of address translation between the application's view of memory and the actual physical memory, which can lead to performance overhead. The process of swapping data between RAM and disk storage (paging) can slow down the system, especially if the disk is accessed frequently due to limited RAM.
  • Disk thrashing. This occurs when the system is low on physical memory and spends significant time swapping pages of memory between disk and RAM. It can severely degrade system performance, as the time taken to read and write to the disk is much slower than accessing RAM.
  • Increased storage requirement. Virtual memory requires a portion of the disk to be allocated as swap space (on Linux/Unix) or a page file (on Windows). This allocation reduces the storage available for other uses and can be significant, especially on systems with a lot of RAM.
  • Latency in memory access. Access times for data stored in virtual memory (i.e., on the disk) are significantly higher than for data in physical RAM. This can lead to latency issues for applications that require high-speed memory access, impacting the performance of time-sensitive tasks.
  • Complex memory management. Virtual memory requires maintaining the page table, handling page faults, and deciding which pages to swap in and out. All of this adds complexity to the operating system's memory management tasks and consumes system resources.
  • Fragmentation. Over time, the swap file or swap space can become fragmented, much like any file system, which can degrade performance as the system has to seek different parts of the disk to read or write a single page of memory.
  • Security concerns. Incorrectly configured virtual memory potentially leads to security vulnerabilities, such as leaking sensitive information between applications or to disk. Ensuring that swapped out memory is properly managed and sanitized is crucial.

Algorithms Used for Managing Virtual Memory

Several algorithms are employed to manage virtual memory, each with its unique strategy for optimizing the use of physical memory resources. Among these, First-In, First-Out (FIFO) and Least Recently Used (LRU) stand out for their distinct approaches to page replacement, which is a critical aspect of virtual memory management.


First-In, First-Out (FIFO) is a fundamental page replacement algorithm where pages are swapped in and out of physical memory based on their arrival time. In FIFO, the oldest page, meaning the one that was loaded into memory first, is the first to be evicted when space is required for new pages. This method operates much like a queue, prioritizing pages in the order they were introduced.

While FIFO's simplicity and minimal overhead make it appealing, it doesn't account for the frequency or recency of page accesses, which can lead to suboptimal memory usage. This is evident in situations like Belady's Anomaly, where adding more page frames could paradoxically increase the number of page faults, highlighting a fundamental inefficiency in the FIFO strategy.


Least Recently Used (LRU), prioritizes pages based on their access history, specifically targeting the page that has been used least recently for replacement. This method is underpinned by the assumption that pages accessed recently are likely to be needed again soon.

Implementing LRU involves tracking each page's last access time or maintaining a record of pages in order of their access. This added complexity can be justified by LRU's more effective approximation of optimal page replacement, which aims to minimize page faults and enhance performance by keeping frequently used pages in memory. Despite its higher overhead compared to FIFO, LRU is widely regarded for its more dynamic and efficient management of virtual memory.


While not practically implementable, Optimal Page Replacement (OPT) serves as a theoretical benchmark for evaluating the efficiency of page replacement algorithms. OPT operates on the principle of evicting the page that will not be needed for the longest time in the future. Because it requires foresight into future requests, OPT is used in academic and theoretical settings to gauge the upper bound of page replacement algorithm performance. Its utility lies in comparison, helping developers understand the potential efficiency gains of real-world algorithms relative to this idealized standard.

Anastazija is an experienced content writer with knowledge and passion for cloud computing, information technology, and online security. At phoenixNAP, she focuses on answering burning questions about ensuring data robustness and security for all participants in the digital landscape.